I’m fairly active on Twitter, so people see that I interact with others and share links to my articles and blog posts. I also promote my own and affiliate products, making me the target of a new breed of renegade marketers. Stu McLaren has an excellent post about this that includes a video of what is going on. These people contact us and ask us to promote their similar, yet inferior products, offering us a few dollars more to do so. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I only promote products I have used or currently use, and that I have benefitted from. When I recommend someone else’s product I am putting my own reputation on the line.
What do you think? Is this type of renegade marketing sleazy, or is it just a part of marketing?
I think it is totally sleazy! Unethical and tacky! Not only that it is insulting to the one who does it and they are compromising who they are. We all have our own unique and special contributions to make in the world, we don’t need to go over and steal other people’s identities and products! We need to create our own and stand on our own two feet. There is enough abundance in the world for everyone to have their fair share is if we simply develop our God given gifts, talents and abilities. You may have to work, fight for it and claim it but it’s there.
I think it’s part of marketing. You always, in the end, have the choice of whether you want to promote the product or not. I think it would be a great way for someone with a great product to find hard working affiliates!