There are more eBooks than ever now available for sale on the internet. What was once an excellent opportunity to make money, has now become much more difficult. The solution? Write an eBook that can be packaged with other components, such as audio and a workbook; use your eBook as a lead generator to sell more expensive products and services; or, the best one of all: give away your eBook everywhere and make money from the affiliate links that you have placed strategically throughout the eBook.
Once your eBook goes viral, meaning that people are sharing it with each other as quickly as possible, you can be guaranteed that you will make more money than you ever could have selling it the traditional way. The key is to place just enough of the right affiliate links, to products and services that your readers will want, so that you can benefit the most from sharing your information.
For example, share the affiliate links for things that will be considered as resources for your readers. When they see the value of this resource, they are even more likely to share it with more people. The ripple effect will go on for years, bringing you passive income for sharing your experience and knowledge.
You can even do this with short reports. Download the one I wrote, and see if any of the resources will help you to build your online empire.
What a great idea. Very helpful. Alice