Your prospects are waiting for you to reach out to them, so I am providing you with ideas on how to do this. One way to connect with the people on your list successfully is to ask them for articles, blog posts, and other writing for you to use. This gives them the opportunity to be published right away, and you are able to know more about them while you are in the process of receiving this writing from them. I started doing this out of a need in my own online business, and have found it to be an excellent way to build my business as I connect with my list and my prospects.
I started about ten blogs when I first came online in 2005. They were on a variety of topics, including health and fitness, real estate, dog training, and living a passionate life. Within a few months I was drowning, waking up each morning and dreading having to post to yet another blog on a topic I was no longer passionate about.
This went on for another few months before I finally just gave up. My own business was growing, and I was no longer willing to spend the time posting to these blogs. One day I made a short video explaining the situation to my list. I took them on a tour of several of the blogs I had all but abandoned, and asked them to please submit articles to me that I could post there. I told them that I would include their bio and other information, and that they could promote whatever they liked.
The result was overwhelming. People who had been on my list for months or years, whom I had never heard from, responded to me almost immediately. They understood that they could become published authors and I would have fresh content for my blogs. I started a folder on my computer and added their writing to it as it came in. For the next week I added post after post, giving my list exposure and connecting with people I had previously not been in contact with.
I learned so much about the people on my list! They were intelligent, with diverse interests, knowledge, and backgrounds. I could not have been more proud.
I encourage you to do something similar in your online business. Ask for guest bloggers, publish their articles on your sites, and learn more about your list. The connections you will make will help forge relationships that will be beneficial for all of you in the coming years.
Excellent recommendation, Connie.
I’ve started using Guest Bloggers on Skyline Coaching Blog. To date I’ve had Kathleen Gage and Allison Maslan as Guest Bloggers. Both are, among other things bestselling authors.
This strategy provides your readers with a fresh perspective on the topic(s) that your blog centres on and you get high quality content without having to write it yourself.
I’m looking for other Guest Bloggers and so if anyone reading this is interested please do contact me.
Best wishes
Hi Connie, really great idea! I’ll be implementing this one soon!
Best wishes,
Great idea, Connie! I believe this can make your blog THE place to visit!
Donna “The Poker Coach”
Your list is so responsive Connie because you are. A belated Happy Valentine’s Day. Great advice