Information marketing is all about sharing the knowledge you already have with the people who want to know what you know. I have found that presenting this information in the form of teleseminars and webinars is the fastest and easiest way to share it to my prospects. If you are used to teaching one on one or with written information, you will want to consider several things before you attempt to add teleseminars and webinars as part of your marketing strategy.
Holding a live presentation will allow your guests to be there with you in real time. This may also be a hindrance if anything does not go as planned. Making a detailed outline of what you will discuss will make your presentation go more smoothly. You may also want to practice what you will be showing before your presentation begins. I like to let them know the topic well in advance, and then remind the audience of what we will be talking about just as we begin.
Some topics are better off as teleseminars. This would include any information that can be shared without having to show your screen or a PowerPoint slide. You can always include a written document that can be downloaded as a PDF (portable document format). Many people are on the go and would much prefer to download the mp3 of your audio, print the document you have provided to them, and go about their business for the day. The idea of being glued to their computer in order to watch a webinar is not appealing to them at all.
On the other hand, there are many areas where seeing your computer screen is a must. For example, if you are teaching technology, your audience must be able to see exactly where you are clicking to make things happen. A webinar training makes perfect sense for this type of subject matter. They will be more than willing to set aside the time necessary in order to learn what you are teaching them.
Once you begin offering teleseminars and webinars to your audience you will have set yourself apart from the other marketers who only write down their information. The idea of letting your voice be heard will help your prospects to connect with you more quickly and on a more personal level. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake or to show your vulnerability to your audience; this will only serve to endear yourself to them.
Ah, the infamous ‘teleseminar in a hurricane’ incident!
For those who were not there, Rob and I held a teleseminar while he was vacationing in Mexico. The Skype connection was horrible, and it sounded as though he was in a wind tunnel.
As usual down to earth helpful content. And always remember not to do a teleseminar in an open patio near an ocean.
Connie & Rob, That’s a good story. Thanks for sharing and for the reminder!