The topic and ideas you have right now will end up as an ebook. The only question is – Will you be the one to write it or will someone else do what you will not do? How many times have you come up with a great idea and not acted on it, only to see it appear at a later date?
Maybe you are a procrastinator. If you put off writing because you feel like you don’t have enough time, knowledge, etc., then you will end up with reasons instead of results. Write a little every day. Ordinary things, such as writing one page a day, can become extraordinary things if they are done consistently over time.
Perhaps you are a perfectionist. It is better to have your near perfect ebook finished and available to others than to have your almost perfect, almost ready to finish ebook sitting idly on your hard drive.
Make 2008 a year for results, not reasons. Get into a Mastermind group, find a writing coach-mentor, set your writing goals, and then start writing. Don’t let someone else be the one to write your ebook.
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