What is your WOW! Factor when it comes to your online business? You might be missing the boat and shortchanging yourself if you aren’t making the most of your skills and expertise. The WOW factor makes a huge difference in how you are perceived by others.
Early on in my career as an online marketing strategist and mentor I worked with a man who desperately wanted to build an online business. I helped him to get started with a blog, an opt in page, and even an information product, but he just couldn’t seem to get any traction and his enthusiasm waned. After working with him for a few weeks I asked what kind of work he had done previously and was shocked to hear that he had been a CFO (Chief Financial Officer) for several Fortune 500 companies over a span of almost thirty years.
I quizzed him about his activities while with these companies, and it turned out he was something of an expert with Google Analytics and other programs. He had crunched numbers with lots of zeroes after them and was truly a numbers guy. So why didn’t he seize the opportunity to specialize in this area for his online business, instead of learning new skills that would take years to master? His answer was “I wanted to do something new instead of relying on what I already knew so well.” He definitely needed a WOW factor.
This is common and is a huge mistake made by so many new entrepreneurs, in my opinion based on my experiences for over a decade now. The fastest way to position yourself as an expert is to present yourself as an expert. Does this make sense?
If there is something you’re good at, or have experience with this could be the Wow! Factor that will catapult you to success…
Are you a writer? If so, write every single day and wow people with your writing skill.
Experienced with PowerPoint or Keynote? Create presentations that wow people regularly and make them comment on what you create.
Do you have a background in sales? Wow us with your ability to persuade and market in ways that make us hungry to learn your methods.
On the other hand, make sure not to underwhelm us by stooping to mediocrity. Sloppy writing, so-so slide presentations, and sales efforts that fall short of the mark will work against you in the minds of your prospects and clients. When they learn of your background they will sense an incongruity and look elsewhere for people to follow and to learn from. One blog post, one PowerPoint, or one sales effort can define you as an online entrepreneur. Be careful and heed what I am advising here.
The bottom line is this: Make the additional effort and go the extra mile to wow us with what comes naturally to you. You’ll make a name for yourself quickly and build your business in a way that gives you massive credibility right out of the gate.
My Wow! Factor? Persistence, relationship building, and writing prolifically on an almost daily basis. Also, I’m a former classroom teacher so it is expected that my online teaching would be based on a structured lesson plan. This is actually my super power. I’m confident in what I do online because I know that more than 99% of others will not work as hard or with as much diligence. Now that’s a wow factor you can take to the bank.
I’m bestselling author, marketing strategist, and entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green and I would love to connect further with you to help you to achieve your goals. If you are interested in learning how to optimize the syndication of your content, please take a look at my popular Syndication Optimization training course and consider coming aboard to increase your visibility, credibility, and profitability.
The phrase “my online teaching would be based on a structured lesson plan” really rang a bell for me. I remember writing lesson plans “at the end of this lesson the student will be able to demonstrate their understanding of the “topic” by _______. Break all that down and you got your sales letter, course outline and an excellent way to find teachable subjects, just look for behaviors and actions prospects want to learn or become proficient at and write a structured lesson plan to accomplish that goal.
Thanks for your comment, Dale. I’ll be teaching more about structured lesson plans in my Really Simple Online Courses training. I believe my ability to do that, based on my years as a classroom teacher has given me a distinctive edge since coming online.
Connie Ragen Green
Thank you Connie for a useful post. From what you are saying, I’m going to go with my writing and speaking ability. I am eager to see what happens when I emphasize these skills online. Hopefully I’ll make an impact soon.
I’m ready for you to WOW! me, Kevin. Knowing your strengths up front makes it much easier for you to get started in a major way.
Connie Ragen Green
Wow! You definitely have the Wow! Factor in your writing, Connie. Thanks for writing this eye-opening article.
Thanks so very much, Liz. I appreciate you!
Connie Ragen Green
Well, you’ve got your wow, Connie, and I see how that makes you successful online. Good for you!
You nailed your wows! Especially relationship building.