Writing an eBook will be the single most powerful action you can take to build wealth online. You can build an entire business on the internet simply by writing one eBook. This may sound unbelievable, but it is exactly how I got started online. Let me explain the 7 step process I continue to use to make five figures a month from home.
- The first thing you must do is to choose a niche. This niche should be broad enough to give you thousands of people who are interested in your topic, yet narrow enough to let you specialize in one area of the niche that you will become known as an expert in.
- Spend some time doing your research. You are looking for the keywords that people will use to find information on your topic. There are several of these free keyword selector tool available. By doing my research I can find out if people are searching for my topic, if there are already products available on this niche topic, and if the people are ready and willing to spend money on these products.
- The next thing to do is create a product. eBooks are the easiest, because you can write an outline that includes what you want to say, and then either record the information and have it transcribed or write it yourself. Either way, you will end up with a good quality product that you can sell and repurpose for years to come.
- Now you must put up an opt-in page. These are also known as squeeze pages, and require the prospect to give you their name and email address in order to move on to the next page. If someone will not give you their name and email address, they are not truly interested in what you have to offer and will probably not buy anything.
- As you begin to collect these names and email addresses, develop a relationship with your list. Email them regularly, and offer them good content, free items, and products for sale. Be sure to give them good, solid content that they can use to increase their knowledge in your niche. They are more likely to purchase from you if you offer them useful information for free.
- Hold teleseminars regularly. I offer a free weekly call so people can hear what it is like to learn from me. When they can connect with me during a call, it is much easier for me to create a relationship with them.
- Always have another product, either yours or someone else’s, which you can offer to your list. This can be another eBook, a teleseminar series, coaching, or affiliate products and services.
Use these 7 steps to build your business online. I wrote one eBook on how to use your online writing to get started on the internet, and I have been making money ever since by repurposing this information and teaching it through my teleseminars.
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