When you are ready to sell your eBook online you may find that you will make more money explaining your information than by simply selling it in written form. Consider holding teleseminars and inviting your target audience to attend. You can make lots of profit on your teleseminars. Even if your call is offered at no cost, there are still ways to profit before, during and after your teleseminar takes place. Here are 5 key ways to make money by giving teleseminars on your area of expertise.
- Put up a teleseminar page with information on how and when to be on the live call. Make an offer to your potential listeners that will only be good prior to the actual call. This offer may be for any of your products or services, but make it clear that they must act on it before the call begins.
- During your call, alert your listeners to things they can purchase that will be of benefit to them in relation to what you are talking about. Make sure to give them your affiliate links so you will earn a commission when someone makes a purchase.
- If this is a free call, make the replay available to anyone on your list who may have missed being on the live call. This will give you an even greater opportunity to make money later on.
- After the call is over, send an email to everyone thanking them for their participation, whether they were on the call or not. By generating enthusiasm and interest in your topic you will be able to maximize your potential profits. Always have a product, service, or program available that will meet the needs of many people.
- Have a page on your website or blog where you can recommend products and services that can be of value to your audience. By including your affiliate link to these items on your site, you will ensure that you earn a commission each time something is purchased.
Make sure to promote your eBook throughout each teleseminar. Follow these suggestions and you will make more profit in less time with your teleseminars.
Hi Connie,
Nice post, and good advice. What do you think of using webinars as opposed to teleseminars?
Webinars are useful for teaching technical topics, but you have to make sure your audience is able to access the webinar easily. Teleseminars will always have greater appeal, as people are able to listen to them no matter where they happen to be. Thanks for commenting, Roland.
~Connie Ragen Green