Many people write when they are inspired. They post to their blog irregularly, write an article once in awhile, and continue to talk about their eBook getting finished. If you are serious about your writing, and want to build an online business, you will need to write on a more regular basis.
The best way is to make a schedule for yourself. Write it down so it becomes your goal for the week. Most writers are working from home, so setting a schedule can be a way to manage your time and get your writing finished. You can write two articles a week, and ecide which days you will spend time working on them. You may decide to blog on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and choose a theme for each of these posts, like reviewing a book on one of the posts, and talking about another blogger’s post on one of the other days. By setting this writing schedule in advance, you will accomplish more and become more organized in your business. Your writing will also improve over time, simply because you will be doing more of it.
As far as writing your eBook goes, you may want to register for a course, like the one I teach several times each year. It gives you a group of people to interact with, as well as lessons and deadlines to get your eBook written. You also learn the technology you will need to sell your eBook, such as copywriting and putting up your own web pages. No matter what path you choose, give your writing an opportunity to build a business for you on the internet.
Hi Connie,
I just happened by while reviewing some facebook info. I hadn’t seen this particular site before. It’s nice to see your ebook business booming on the networks. Thanks for sharing these thoughts. I agree writing regularly is important.
I’d also like to know more about your adwords campaign!
This blog has been a great inspiration to me over the past year. Thanks, Connie, for what you offer your students.
As for me, I really don’t need a writing schedule because I continuously write each and every day. However, that’s because I love writing, but I can fully understand why some people may need a writing schedule.
There are many people that don’t like to write, and therefore, they need some sort of writing schedule to keep them on track in their business. However, if you love writing, then you really don’t need much of a schedule, since you already know what needs to be done.
You can create a writing schedule, even if you love writing, and maybe that sort of thing will help you. There are some individuals out there who need that sort of structure to help to keep them focused and on track with their work. Sometimes, people talk too much about writing their e-book, but they never get the project done because they’re overwhelmed. They think that there’s too much involved in writing the e-book, so they don’t really dive right in and do it. These are the types of individuals who really need a writing schedule to keep them focused and on track.
If you’re like me, where you spend much of your day on the computer, then writing may come natural to you. It does me, and I love to write. I am just one of those people who never gets tired at working on the computer. However, I know people who tell me that once they leave work for the day, they don’t want to touch, or see another computer. It is these people who could really benefit from a writing schedule, if they plan to write their own e-book.
Connie, I really like the idea of setting up a schedule for the blog and for articles. I never thought to assign a category for each day’s blog post.
Having the schedule in place would allow you to write the posts ahead of time and letting the blogging software post them on the appropriate day.
This will help me out a lot with my all or nothing style of writing. I know, I know. I’m trying to take your advice and do a small amount regularly.
Getting yourself into a routine is imperative when you work from home — unlike going someone else to work e.g. office from 8-5, being at home means you are always available for home kind of distractions.
If you are working from home, you need to develop the mindset that it is work and therefore your time and energy need to be reasonably structured and organised.
And I agree about writing out a schedule and putting it up so you can see — I always achieve so much more when I have made a schedule.