Writing an ebook can be done in a number of ways. One of these ways is to use a recurring theme throughout the ebook. Everyone is probably familiar with Robert Fulghum’s All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten. You know the kinds of things that will be discussed in the book before you even open it – being kind to others, not touching someone else’s things, etc., but it still sold millions of copies. This was due in part to the fact that the book was based on a theme that was of interest to many people.
You may want to start each chapter of your book with a personal story or quote. This will be of interest to people as they become engaged in your stories. If the stories are related to the topic of each chapter, it can carry through your entire ebook as a common theme. You can do the same thing with quotes. For each chapter of your ebook, pick a quote that will be the point of what your chapter is about.
Using a theme will keep your audience interested and involved, and result in more sales of your ebook.
Perfect article at the perfect time! Thanks!!!
I was just kicking around an e-book idea and this article made it all come together. And convinced me that, yes, this is something I’m going to do — very soon. Starting this afternoon.
I’ll send you a copy when it’s done! 🙂
Thanks again, and I look forward to your teleseminar.