You May Already Be Using Private Label Rights Content: What’s Your PLR Action Plan?
A lot of people get really excited about the idea of using PLR (private label rights) content to grow their business. But then they do the unthinkable: they let the content gather dust on their hard drives. Often this happens because they don’t really know the best ways to use PLR. If this describes you, let’s discuss your “PLR Action Plan.”
What you need is a road map, an overview of how to profit with private label rights content. And that’s exactly what this checklist does for you. Take a look…
Create a Plan
The first thing you need to do is ask yourself how you intend to use PLR content to grow your business. Here are questions to ask yourself:
Do you want to use it to attract leads?
Do you want to use it to drive targeted traffic to increase conversion?
Do you want to create and sell products out of PLR content?
To better answer these questions, take stock of how you’re currently using content to grow your business, AND how you would like to start using it. For example:
Publishing content on a blog.
Posting content on social media.
Creating lead magnets.
Designing viral content.
Sending content to prospects and customers via email (including an autoresponder series).
Optimizing content for the search engines.
Hosting webinars.
Distributing videos.
Giving content to your affiliates to help them promote your offers.
Creating content for joint venture giveaways.
Writing content for guest blogging opportunities.
Holding local talks or workshops.
Posting sales letters and ads on your website.
Creating paid products, including tripwire products, core offers, upsells, bonus products and backend products.
Building membership sites (including traditional sites, vault sites, and fixed-term membership sites).
Go ahead and brainstorm additional ways you might use PLR, and write them all down. What you want to do is create a plan as to how you’ll use PLR, so that you can then buy an appropriate amount and type of content.
For example, maybe you want to create your entire sales funnel, from the lead magnet to the emails you send to your prospects and customers, to all the paid products in your funnel. If so, then you know you need:
A large amount of content – enough to create all these products and content.
A variety of content. This includes articles for your blog or newsletter, reports, ebooks and even tools such as checklists and templates.
Seek Out High Quality PLR
Once you know your needs, then you can seek out the content. Here are two ways to do it:
Search for a specific type of content in Google. E.G., “dog training PLR” or “online marketing ebooks PLR.”
Go directly to a high-quality source.
If you’re going with an unknown source, then do your due diligence. This includes:
Asking for samples so that you can decide if the content is well-written and well-researched.
Researching the content provider in Google so you can be assured they have a good reputation for providing high-quality content and good customer care.
In all cases, be sure to examine the PLR license terms carefully before you purchase the content. That way, you know whether your intended uses of the content are allowable under the license.
Tweak The Content as Part of Your PLR Action Plan
Generally, you won’t use the content as is. In some cases, the license may even specifically require that you modify the content before you sell it. So now you need to spend a few minutes tweaking it. Here are the main ways to change the content and make it unique:
Change the titles on the content.
Put your name on it as the author.
Delete anything irrelevant or inaccurate.
TIP: If you intend to use the content for quite some time – such as loading content into an autoresponder (I recommend and use AWeber) – then tweak the content so that it’s evergreen. That means only sharing time-tested information and products, and avoiding any references that date the content. Your reader should look at the content and have no idea if it was created one minute ago, one month ago or one year ago.
Tweak the content to match your writing style.
Tweak the content to match your opinions and teachings.
TIP: Even high-quality content may have instructions with which you disagree. For example, experts in the weight loss niche often argue about whether to do cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or after a light meal. Neither is necessarily wrong. Likewise, your PLR content may content information with which you disagree as being the “best” way to do something.
Assemble multiple pieces of PLR content to create something entirely new.
For example:
Compile a package of articles to create a report.
Compile a combination of reports and articles to create an eBook.
Combine multiple pieces to create a home study course.
Convert the content into a different format.
For example:
Turn a text product into a video, audio recording (I use and recommend Instant Teleseminar), or even the basis for a webinar.
Turn digital content into a physical product.
Excerpt out portions of bigger content to create something new.
For example:
Take a section out of a report to create a newsletter article.
Take a section out of an eBook to create a report.
Excerpt out sections of multiple pieces of content to create an eCourse.
Once you complete your modifications, then you’ll be ready to put your content to work for you according to the plan you created in the first step. Be sure to review this post and make some notes, as they’ll give you more information about how to make the most of your private label rights content as you develop your PLR action plan!
I’m author, publisher, and entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green and would love to connect with you. If you are new to the world of online entrepreneurship please check out my comprehensive training on how to set up Funnels That Click and learn how to gain an unfair advantage when it comes to building a lucrative online business.
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