The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People I'd like to discuss how to create and set up highly effective habits. The book that comes to mind and that I highly recommend and will be taking from and then expounding my ideas with is "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen … [Read more...]
Self-Discipline Hacks for Entrepreneurs
Self-Discipline Hacks: Entrepreneurs Benefit in Untold Ways Has your life felt a little too out of control? Maybe there are too many demands on your time and resources. People at work need something now, and your mother keeps calling asking when you're going to come to visit … [Read more...]
Theme of the Year for 2020
For almost a decade now I have chosen a word of the year. At some point I added two additional words, and also a phrase. I won't keep you in suspense any longer; this is what I have chosen for 2020... My Word of the Year 2020 is Vision. I have expanded that to include "Vision, … [Read more...]
Small Habits Lead to Big Changes
Small Habits Lead to Big Changes Setting goals in life is smart. It gives us something to shoot for and increases our chances of success. However, aiming too high and biting off more than you can chew are sure ways to end up abandoning your objective. If you want to make big … [Read more...]
Small Daily Habits Matter
Small Daily Habits Will Change Your Life You've likely heard that adding small daily habits is the way to experience success in anything you want to do. This is very true for many aspects of life, including your business. The actions that get results are consistent, directly … [Read more...]