If you are old enough to remember the Beatles version of the Johnny Russell song “Act Naturally”, or even older, and remember when Buck Owens first released it back in 1963, two years before the Beatles recorded it, you remember that the lyrics tell us to just act naturally in order to hit the big time. I believe the same thing applies to blogging, article writing, and eBooks. Just ‘write naturally’ and people will be interested in what you have to say.
I am often asked how I am able to write so much in such a short amount of time. Now I am no Stephen King, but I do write daily and enjoy every minute of it. I believe it is because I am writing on topics I am passionate about, and sharing information with others who want to use it to build their online businesses.
Just start writing about your niche. Share every tip, trick, secret, and piece of knowledge you have in that area. Then do it over and over again. The people who are searching for information on your topic will appreciate it. Then hold teleseminars and talk about your niche topic as often as you can. That’s what I have been doing since 2006, and people still want more.
Do the same thing when you are writing sales copy for your info product or service. Write to people instead of at them, so they can relate to what you are writing about. Connect with them through your words.
And finally, just remember to write naturally.
GREAT advice Connie! I know I often get stuck trying to make things sound perfect when writing but that’s not natural – you bring up such an excellent point – people are far more likely to feel a connection to you when you speak from the heart. Authenticity is like honey to bees!
Thank You, Connie…definitely a great song…and will continue trying to do just that. (Thanks for yesterday’s Teleseminar…and precisely because you don’t play golf – you are a happy person).