We could debate forever over the point of what makes someone an expert in their field. It is my opinion and belief that you can become an expert in almost any area, if you are willing to read and do research on your topic.
When I came online in 2005, I felt like I could never be an expert in any field. It appeared to me that almost everyone know much more than I did about every topic that I considered. Within a year my feelings on this had changed. I had learned so much by reading and studying about marketing on the internet, so I decided to become an expert in eBook writing.
There were already several people in this niche, but I was willing to learn as much as possible on this topic. Within a year people were coming to me to learn how to write an eBook, and I had authored three eBooks of my own by that time. I had also become one of the top authors on eBook writing with my articles, held regular teleseminars to teach people how to get started with their eBook, and offered a home study course which was created after I taught my live course (see my ‘Resource’ page for more information).
Choose a niche that resonates with you. Find out who the experts are and study everything of theirs you can get your hands on. Be willing to work hard in order to find out everything there is on your topic. Within a year you can be considered an expert in this niche. The internet allows us to position ourselves as experts in our fields, without requiring us to have the same type of credentials that people consider important offline. I would love to hear your opinion on this subject.
Connie, good stuff. I am always inspired by your example. If you only knew how many times I quote you when I talk to others about internet marketing. Thanks again for providing content of value.
Connie, thanks for having the courage and honesty to post about becoming an expert in your niche. I found this post via a tweet from @SheilaAtwood and glad I did (btw, I just retweeted it so it will go out to my peeps as well). Looking forward to reading more of your posts! ~Yvonne
Hi Connie – Your posts are always inspiring and practical – a great combination. Thank you for sharing what you have learned and made for yourself so generously!
Great post. Thanks for sharing your insights. I love your blog.
One of the remarkable things about you is that you didn’t wait to feel like you’d done enough training or research, you kept in the game while you were learning.
And I agree with your last paragraph, that the internet offers an escape from the “degree trap”. I also like how online people don’t have a tolerance for stuffy academic language.