Article marketing and blogging go hand in hand in terms of bringing you new business online. You can repurpose your articles into blog posts and vice versa. The result is a content based, keyword rich formula for online success. Allow me to explain how this works best.
You will always start with your original idea. Have a way to capture these ideas throughout your day. It is just too easy to forget what you were thinking if you do not write your ideas down. I keep notebooks in my car, my purse, and in two places in my house so I never have an excuse not to jot down a couple of sentences. Many times my ideas come about as a result of a conversation I have with someone or a question on one of my teleseminars.
I turn these ideas into an article and submit it to the article directory right away. Then I go to my blog and post the article there. Sometimes I change it a little bit, but that is not necessary. It is not duplicate content if it appears on your blog first. Because the article directories take at least a day to publish your articles, this is very easy to do.
Now that you have your original idea on both your blog and published on a directory, think of other ways to repurpose this writing. I usually start by writing a short report on my topic. This can be just a few pages in length. You can give these short reports away to your prospects as a giveaway for opting in or in an autoresponder email. I also like to give them away on Twitter to let people know more about what I do online.
Keep on writing articles and blogging and you will find that your business grows and your marketing is paying off.
I agree–I’m amazed at how many people read the articles I write. I have some articles that I wrote 3 years ago and they still are still being read!
I have been repurposing blog posts and websites into articles since you first suggested this Connie and it works great for me. It’s a great idea.
Nice idea Connie! I don’t submit as many articles as I should. It’s also good to find keywords that you have a chance to get on page one for (less competing pages and page ranks), and put those in the articles and links back to your blog.