I have now been online for four years, which is hard for me to imagine. It seems like it was just yesterday when I was trying to get started with building my online business and wasn’t sure where to turn for help. Now I am one of the people on the Internet who helps others to get started. Amazing how time flies when you’re having such a wonderful experience.
Every day people write to me, hoping that I will be able to tell them one thing that will turn it all around for them so they can start making money with their business online. I wish it were that easy. This business is simple, but it isn’t easy. From what I have observed it is the people who find a mentor, learn what they need to do, and then implement what they have learned who achieve success online. These characteristics also apply to those who are successful offline. What I’m saying is that you must focus on what you want to achieve and then do what you need to do by following through. This is the key to success with anything in the world.
My challenge to you is to spend the next 100 days doing these things every single day:
Find a mentor who can guide you, whether it is me or someone else.
Learn something new that will bring you closer to your goals, whether it is product creation, traffic generation, list building, or something else.
Implement what you learn by taking action every day, even if it is only for 15 minutes.
Who will join me in this challenge for the next 100 days? This will take us to April 28, 2010. Let me know if you are up to this challenge and what you need from me to help you succeed.
So true, Connie. Even small actions, done consistently, can take you far. I work 50+ hours/week at my full-time job, have an offline component to my own part-time business, and am taking editing classes at University of Chicago. Even so, in 2009 I was able to learn from you, Cathy Demers, Deb LaQua, and Mynders Glover and apply what I learned. It took longer than anticipated, but I launched my free e-course on beating information overload ten days ago (http://www.beatinformationoverload.com) and just had my first article published by Ezine Articles. Looking forward to learning more from you in 2010.
Best wishes on your Las Vegas event on Jan. 22-24!
I know consistently implementing what I
learn from you will definitely make a difference Connie!
And you have shared a ton, of extremely
practical tips and or suggestions on your blog, that will
definitely help any serious entrepreneur, that’s
coach able, to move off center and towards real success!
A whole lot faster, than they would be able accomplish on their own!
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