Earlier this week a site called ODesk named me as one of the top 25 writers to follow on Twitter. I was honored to be included in this list, but there is much more to the story. You see, I had wanted to become a writer since I was in high school. In fact, I wanted to write professionally and took many classes on various types of writing.
After a dozen or so people told me that my writing was not very good, I gave up and didn’t write for over twenty years. I chose to believe people who did not even know me very well, and gave up something I had dreamed of accomplishing. I simply did not have the confidence in myself to keep on going and to never give up.
In March of 2007 I started submitting articles to online directories. As of today I have now published 952 articles and more than 268,000 people have read them. I guess I’m a writer now, but that is just a label. The point is that you do not need others to tell you who you are. Make up your mind to do what you love and never give up your dream. My writing has allowed me to live a lifestyle I had only dreamed of before, and it brings me more joy and satisfaction than I can express. You can do whatever it is that others have told you could not be done. Once you believe it, it will become a reality.
congrads on being recognised as a writer. I’ve learned a lot about writing e-book making from you site. Am still rather wet behind the ears when it comes to writing. Great to know that there are people who are successful in article and e-book marketing which I can model on.
Congratulations, you have achieved a life goal which you continue to work in, what a phenomenal event!
I have a similar goal, but I am just starting, at 62 years of age.
Congratulations! Well done.
I have heard the saying “Writers Write”. Did you know that Truman Capote wrote from the time is was 4 years old?
I love the internet…now all of us wanna be writers have the forum to get our writing out there! Instant publishing.
You inspire me.
Thank you for all your advice. It has helped to change my way of thinking so much. I can definitely relate to getting bad advice at a young age and giving up your dreams. It hurts not only us, but society in general. Good for you for returning to writing and letting it take you in a new direction.
Woohoo! Congratulations, Connie! You are an inspiration and a testament to the power of action and persistence. Thanks for sharing so much of what you have learned with us on your blog too.
That is a very very powerful post. “you do not need others to tell you who you are”. Amen Connie you are so right!
Pam Murphy,M.S.,RRT