Article marketing can help you to promote your business on the internet, whether it is an online or offline business. If you are not already writing and submitting articles to the article directories, it is time to see how easy it really is.
The first thing you absolutely must do is to find your keywords. These are the words and phrases that your prospects are most likely to use when they are searching for information on your topic at Google or another search engine. These keyword phrases, typically three to five words in length each, are the most important words you will use to promote your business online with article marketing.
Use your keywords in the title of your article, placing them as close to the beginning as possible. Each article should focus on only one keyword phrase for the best results.
When you write the article you want to focus on delivering the best content, not on using your keywords. The goal is to write an article that will engage your readers, teach them something useful, and make them want to click on the link to go back to your site for further information.
There is also a place to include your keywords when you are submitting your article. This gives the directory a better idea of which words you are attempting to optimize for with the search engines.
Article marketing will serve you well for years to come. The idea is to continue to provide the very best content so that you will be viewed as an expert in your field.
Thank you for your wisdom. Figuring out your keywords must help get focus and narrow your niche as well as get folks to read your articles. Yup, good advice!
Keep saying it, Connie. First, you say it so well. Second, we always need to hear it.
Amen Connie:
Keywords are your light in a dark forest. They light you up so you can see your tree from the forest. So many good tools, free like the Google Search Keyword Tool and the Wonderwheel.