Online writing includes articles, blog posts, eBooks, short reports, and any other writing that is written and read exclusively on the internet. Writing articles is the foundation for all of this writing, and it is imperative that you get started with article writing as soon as possible. There are many reasons for this, and here are just a few.
Writing a three hundred word article every day will get you into the habit of writing. I had not written for more than twenty years when I first started writing articles a year and a half ago. During the first 30 days or so it was difficult to make myself write. At some point it just became part of my daily schedule, and I have been writing ever since. I currently have about 775 articles published on the internet, and you can do the same thing if you write every day.
You can repurpose your articles into other types of online writing. I have written blog posts based on my articles, including more information in certain areas and eliminating some of the content in others. I have also combined several articles into short reports that I have sold and given away, as well as used my articles as the basis for two eBooks. Because you can write an article in less than an hour, they are the perfect vehicle to create other types of writing. You can even use an article as the content for your autoresponder messages.
Start writing articles on topics you are knowledgeable about. In the beginning you will just want to get your information out, so do not worry too much about the style or format of your writing. As you become more proficient in your writing ability you will begin to find your voice and the words will just flow naturally. This will also help you with search engine optimization because you will be writing the way you would explain your topic to someone you were speaking to, and this will show in your writing.
Once you submit your articles to the article directories the information will circulate around the world. Make sure you lead people back to your website or blog, and have a way for them to opt-in to receive more information from you in the future. You will trade them a short or special report in exchange for their email address, and this free giveaway will also come from your articles.
I encourage you to learn how to write and submit your articles in a way that will maximize your credibility and visibility on the internet, and you will be able to build your online business in just a few months.
Wow on the 775 articles. This is great discipline.
Connie, thanks for the reminder that writing needs to become a habit. We all need to make a place for writing in our day and our life.
I also appreciate the repurposing tips.