Your autoresponder messages will enable you to stay connected with your list, even when you are doing something completely different than working at your online business. This means that you can continue to share your ideas and information, links to your articles and blog posts, and recommendations for your own and affiliate products long after your prospect signs up to receive your free giveaway.
I continue to make sales weeks and months later from email messages that are automatically set up to go out over time. It took me awhile to appreciate the true value of this marketing strategy. Now I set up my autoresponder messages as soon as I set up a new optin page.
If you are just getting started, simply write one message to thank your prospect for requesting your information. Set the message to go out immediately after they opt in to your site. Follow that up with more messages that provide useful content and information on your topic, as well as links to articles, blog posts, products, and services that will help your prospects achieve their goals.
Over time you will want to extend your series of autoresponder messages out for many months after the date when they opt in to your list. Space these messages out, sending them more frequently when someone first signs up, and less frequently over time. There are many marketers who have messages in place for up to three years!
During the first ten days, an email each day is very effective; after that go to twice a week, then once a week. Later on in the sequence you can use some of the exact same messages as you did in the beginning, because people will not remember that they have already received that information. Setting up your business in this way will ensure that you have residual income for years to come.
Nicely put, as usual Connie. Yes I agree the auto responder is a phenomenal device,a businessman’s dream come true.
I can certainly see the value of a good auto responder series for long term income. I’m sure taking the time to do it is the key… but then it’s there for ever. Thanks Connie for sharing all your experience and wisdom.
Sound advice as usual Connie!
And it’s pretty mind boggling, there are actually, some successful online marketers, that have follow up sequences, that actually extend out for several years!
That’s amazing and it definitely gives us something to consistently reach for!
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