Are you connecting with the people on your list? This may surprise you, but the people on your list are very much like you. Whatever they are doing online, they have questions and problems that they have turned over to you for the answers and solutions.
Your prospect has more in common with you than you may realize. This gives you a unique opportunity and puts you in a position to help them very easily. Take the time to get to know your prospects on a deeper level and you will build your online business quickly and profitably.
Think about this and you will see what I am referring to. Most of us chose a niche that satisfied our need for answers and solutions. I teach technology to people who are new online because I was so challenged by this when I first arrived on the internet in 2005. I have a student whose niche is time management because she couldn’t find the time to do what she needed in her life. The list goes on. We represent our best prospect.
How can we use this information to our advantage? Ask yourself what products and services would have been most helpful to you one year ago. The answer to this can be the basis for everything you offer to others online. Always ask yourself if what you are doing would have helped you one year ago. That is my compass for my business and it works very well. Serve your prospects needs by teaching them what you wished you had known in the past.
Thanks for reminding us Connie!
Because for whatever reasons, a lot of online marketers,
especially the newbies, they think if they contact their list
at all, their somehow being a pest!
And it’s great for a successful and experienced online marketer, to share proven strategies, and or tactics, that fly
right in the face of conventional wisdom! Thanks!
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