Information product creation can help you to build an inventory of products to sell over and over again on the Internet. I’ve taught a course on this for two years now. The problem comes after you have created several of these info products and feel like you can’t come up with anything new. In order to grow your business, and your online income, you absolutely must come up with new ideas that can be turned into new products and courses on a regular basis.
The people on your list may already know what products you have available, so think of what else you can create in order to keep them interested in what you have to offer them. You want to be thought of as being on the cutting edge of your niche so that you will continue to be the go to person for information and ideas.
That is one of the reasons I started attending so many live and virtual events beginning in 2007. My target market began to see me and hear about me everywhere, adding to my credibility as someone who could help them to get started online with a business. You may not want or be able to attend several in person events each year, but you can always show up virtually. Look for telesummits and other online events where you can participate. If you do not see exactly what you want, create your own event and invite others to join you. A huge part of being an entrepreneur is being a leader in your field.
To start making money more quickly, and to get the people on your list used to the idea of spending money with you, start offering other people’s products and courses through your affiliate link. Affiliate marketing still accounts for about half of my income each month, and it is an excellent way to think of products you can create that will cover what other products do not. Think of this as a stream of income that will also bring you new ideas. In the future, when your own products are ready, see if those you have affiliated for will be interested in promoting you this time around. This can be the beginning of joint ventures and strategic alliances that will last for years to come.
Listen to your prospects and clients as to what type of products you should create. Remember that if you do not provide your people with what they want to learn, they will most likely find it from someone else. Becoming a good listener will help to increase your bottom line.
My first course came out in the Spring of 2007, so I began to think of offering my products on a seasonal basis. You can do the same thing, planning ahead so that you will have something new for each season. While your prospects are away on Spring Break or summer vacation, you can be creating products for them to purchase when they return. It’s all about serving their needs and solving their problems. Keep people interested in what you are doing, and even share the information product creation process with them as you go. This will help you to set yourself apart from your competition on the Internet.
Do you still write blogs for a handyman business. I love this idea for marketing, but I really really don’t like to write, nor do I have the time.
“Listen to your prospects and clients” – that’s the part that really jumped out at me. Listening is a skill. But it’s a skill we all need to hone in order to better serve our target audience. It’s such a simple concept, isn’t it Connie? Just ASK people what they want and doggone it, they’ll tell you!