Creating your own information products and selling them on the Internet is an excellent way to earn both passive and residual income. My first year working online (2006) was a struggle because I did not do this, and once I did everything changed for me in a big way. Think about … [Read more...]
How To Create Information Products That People Will Buy
Selling information products on the Internet can be extremely lucrative. Before you create an info product to sell online, find out what else is already available that is similar to what you will be creating. This will help you to know exactly what your prospects are looking for … [Read more...]
A Man, His Dog, And An Information Product
I was speaking with a man at at my Rotary Club the other day. He's been in Rotary much longer than I have, and has participated in many of our projects during the four years I've been a member. He was telling me about his dog, a beloved family pet, that had recently been … [Read more...]
Creating Information Products – How To Get New Ideas
Information product creation can help you to build an inventory of products to sell over and over again on the Internet. I've taught a course on this for two years now. The problem comes after you have created several of these info products and feel like you can’t come up with … [Read more...]
Will You Join Me In Creating Your Info Product This Month?
Thanks to all for your congratulations on my winning the Better Your Best contest In Las Vegas for my online marketing skills. Winning twenty-five thousand dollars for doing what I love means so much to me. The biggest question I've had since then was from people wanting to know … [Read more...]