Selling information products on the Internet can be extremely lucrative. Before you create an info product to sell online, find out what else is already available that is similar to what you will be creating. This will help you to know exactly what your prospects are looking for and where you can fill in the gaps of what is missing in the other products. Think about what else is available, what people want, and how you can be unique with your information on your topic. I’ve been helping people create information products since 2007.
Go to Google and the other search engine and type in the area you will be working in. Along the right hand side of the page are the paid ads, so click on some of them to see what’s for sale. Get as much information as possible, and then choose one or two to buy. You can’t create a product that will sell well online if you don’t have other products to compare it to.
Think about what those products are missing. What other information should have been included? Think about different formats and mediums for presenting your information. Make a list of what the ideal product would look like and what would be included in the package, whether it is physical or digital.
Find out what people want to know on your topic. This is very different from what they need, so don’t confuse those two things. I like to give them what they want, while also including what I believe they need. It’s like having your chocolate milk while also eating some broccoli at the same time.
No matter what is included in your information product, it will be unique because you are unique. Don’t try to copy anyone else, because what you create will be perfect. I always keep this in my mind as I continue to create more products.
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