If you are searching for material to write about in your articles, you need look no further than the end of your nose. Everything and everyone you encounter during the course of a day has the potential to be turned into an article. Depending on your niche, you may also be able to make a point in your article that is related to your online business.
Keep a notebook with you at all times to use as an idea capturing system. Every time I speak with someone or receive an email from someone who has a question or comment about building their online business, I write down the main points and write an article about it within the next few days. My teleseminars are also the basis of many more articles, based on what I teach and what questions are asked. When my friends or family members ask me about what I do online, more ideas for articles are born. The possibilities are endless.
Get into the habit of writing every day, and make notes in your notebook that will help you to turn all of your daily activities into articles. Soon you will be able to turn the smallest, most seemingly insignificant events into articles that will teach and explain your niche to your prospects.
Great post, as always. We often need reminding that we have all the answers already. Having systems in place to capture our thoughts is such a simple one that we can all start doing it immediately. I’m off to get a notebook. Thank you for the nudge.
Hi Connie,
I came across your post about two weeks after I decided to carry a small notebook with me at all times to capture ideas and write down reminders. I appreciate your observation that this can be a source for article ideas as well. I wrote down a couple of points that came up with two coaching clients on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Both could be articles or at the very least blog posts that other people may find valuable as well. You never cease to surprise me with simple yet practical ideas to enhance the business.
Hi Connie,
This couldn’t be more true. This week I’ve written a blog post and an email completely based on things I’ve noticed — one was about John Cena and wrestling and the other something I noticed in the grocery store and plant nursery.
On the face of it, these may have nothing to do with marketing and taking action in your business, but by keeping an open mind and being observant, the post and email pretty much wrote themselves.
Great advice for everyone!
Sandy 🙂