I was speaking with a man at at my Rotary Club the other day. He’s been in Rotary much longer than I have, and has participated in many of our projects during the four years I’ve been a member. He was telling me about his dog, a beloved family pet, that had recently been diagnosed with melanoma. This dog has special meaning to him and his two teenaged sons because it was a gift from his wife to the boys ten years ago. Shortly after that, she was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer and passed away. The dog has been the connection between all of them for all of these years.
He then told me that he had gone online and searched for something that would make these last few weeks easier for the dog. He didn’t know what that might be, but he found a site that had information on different things that might be helpful. I listened with interest, because this is someone who has never quite understood what I do for a living on the Internet.
I questioned him further, and he said that he had gone to Google and typed in some words, but he couldn’t remember exactly what those were. He looked at a few sites before finding the one that he thought was best. I then asked him if he had purchased anything or given his name and email to receive any free ifnromation. He had, and then he told me something that surprised me at first. He had purchased what they were offering, an eBook and some checklists. His exact words – “Of course I bought the information. It was only sixty dollars.”
Sixty dollars! He explained that if this would make the dog more comfortable during these last few weeks, even in a small way, he would always be grateful.
This is why you MUST have your own information product. You have information in your head that will help others. It may not be even remotely related to what I am talking about here, or to what I do online, but it is still meaningful to someone who needs it. This is why I am telling you about Nicole Dean and Ronnie Nijmeh’s new Rapid Product Formula program. This is the fastest, easiest, and most reasonable priced program I have seen, and Nicole and Ronnie are experts in this area.
If you still have questions about whether this program is right for you, leave a comment here and I will contact you by email. I feel so strongly about this training that I am giving it my highest recommendation – 5 stars. This is the rating system I use before I recommend something as an affiliate. If it isn’t 5 stars, you will not hear about it from me. Get your information product created and ready for sale on the Internet quickly, and help others with the knowledge you may be taking for granted.
Hi Connie,
What a great true story. As a dog lover and someone who lost one of my dogs last summer to a terminal disease, I can empathize with this man. And then to read what I call the “punch line” (of course I bought it – it was only $60) really hit home. I think we internet marketers get our vision skewed somewhat because we are always being bombarded by internet marketing offers – “only this” “only that” and it becomes numbing. But perhaps the people we want to serve are not as bombarded and we can take a step forward and be brave and sell something for a price like that. Thank you for a great eye opener.
I had the same surprise in referring to my own product. I will be doing a all day on seminar on Sensory Goals. I have been working on this for two years. It has a direct link to Leonado Da Vinci. The pricing of my seminar was up in the air until I talked to my new friend Rhonda Cort. My pricing was way under what I though. I am the only one I know of who knows this subject manner and therefore Googling brings it up fast and nearly first everytime.
To think I almost lost a fortune.
From a fellow dog-lover–thanks for the inspiration. And Terrie, great insight about how others not as deeply into the online marketing space might experience our offers differently. The lesson: There are people who need and want what we provide. As my friends Jan Stringer and Alan Hickman like to say: “Your perfect customers are the people who can only hear it from you.”
The Write Synergies Guru
“Your perfect customers are the people who can only hear it from you.”
wow, you hit that on the nose. I work with a woman who has a very southern accent and who is very southern and sometimes it takes cocking your head (and mind) a certain way to figure out what is coming out of her mouth..LOL…it doesn’t help that she’s absolutely brilliant (member of mensa) and an Aquarian – but there are people (like me) that can ONLY hear it from her and get inspired. I can hear the same info from lots of others but it doesn’t mean the same. Thanks Bobbye for pointing that out!
Thanks for sharing that story Connie. I’m a dog lover too – we have two Yellow Labs that are an important part of our family. What really jumped out at me from the story was not the $60 the author made on the ebook, but the difference the author made in that person’s life and in the last days of the dog’s life – you cannot put a value on that.
I am working on my first information product and sincerely hope I can make such a powerful impact on other people’s lives. That feeling of helping another person is magical.
Thanks again, Steve
Hi Connie,
I love your post. How cool! And yes, there may be millions of pages coming up sometimes when we look for a keyword. Yet that still doesn’t mean that the information our potential customers need or are looking for is actually in there.
And thanks for the encouragement on pricing too.
Speaking about pricing… I agree that the product creation workshop is a great deal! I’m in, and I’m looking forward to learning more about streamlining my process, and hopefully especially pricing my product(s) more effectively.
Thanks again,
You make a great point about pricing, Connie. It truly is in the eye of the beholder (or credit card holder, I guess). I was reading in Duct Tape Marketing the other day and John Jantsch’s advice to nearly every business he consults is the same…RAISE PRICES!
Wow, what an amazing and touching story, I actually had a chill ran through my body as I read your blog. lol. I totally agree, we internet marketers really need to get our info product out there because we don’t know who we can assist with problems they may have or what answers they may be looking for. It is so satisfying to be able to help others in need, whether it is in the form of an info product or in any other way. Thanks as always for sharing.
By the way, I have signed up for Ronnie&Nicole’s Product course and is looking forward very much to having my info product created and sharing it with the world.
Have a Super weekend!
Ronnie & Nicole’s product course sounds perfect for those of us who haven’t yet got our own products out there. There’s such a feeling of accomplishment when you know you’ve put a 100% of yourself into something and it’s going to help someone. I get such a wonderful feeling when someone writes to me to tell me how one of my products changed their life or was exactly what they needed. We have a duty to get our message and our wisdom out there and Connie, Ronnie and Nicole are here to point us in the right direction. I hope we all have our own products up and running really soon.
Good luck and much love
Heather x
Heather – glad you’ll be joining the course. Forward me your
receipt and I’ll get your bonus to you right away.
Great story, Connie! I’ve been That Guy! but I never thought about the reverse. $167 on a psoriasis book for my husband – who was 80% covered in crackly, itchiness and now has NO psoriasis. $47 on acid reflux report for my sister – who is doing much better. I’m certainly glad those people shared what they know – it was worth every penny and more.
Hi Connie, As a neuromuscular massage therapist I knew that it didn’t matter how much I knew if no one knew I was “out there.” Giving your knowledge to someone who needs it is always valuable (if they want it.) 🙂 The Internet makes that easier than ever.
Ahh yes. The teacher appears when the students pushes the search button. How easy to forget what wisdom we have and how many are eager to learn from that wisdom.
I attended a conference this week on perinatal mood disorders. I had never heard of it until the organization asked me to attend and write a couple of articles. All of a sudden, ahas are going on as we remember our sisters, friends and ourselves suffering through this when pregnant.
One third of women get this and yet very little is written or taught about it! Many husbands and partners searching online willing to take a second mortgage on the house to find out what can be done.
As always Connie, you lead us to better and bigger thoughts and actions.
Your faithful mentee,
Judy Helm Wright aka Auntie Artichoke, family relationship author and keynote speaker
Another great article, Connie! Reading that puts everything into perspective. I didn’t realize that ebooks were that popular outside of Online Business.
Thanks so much. Jaime
Connie, there were several items that stood out in your post for me, but probably the main point is pricing products. I learned from watching my friends purchase products, that money is not an issue when the product is something the purchaser needs or wants.
Too many times we tend to discount the knowledge that we impart in our products or seminars. Let’s all make certain we do undersell ourselves.
Mary Ann
Thanks, Connie, for this generous post. As always, you get me to thinking in new ways. I am reminded once again that when a vital connection is made, true value always wins…..and it isn’t about the money!
As a big dog lover, I enjoyed reading every word of this story and, more importantly, understand exactly how your friend in Rotary feels. My heart goes out to him. Our pets are not just pets, they’re members of our family.
When you really think long and hard about it, there’s no price tag you could ever put on alleviating pain of any kind. We all turn to the internet when we need answers and solutions to our dilemmas.
It’s time to get off my duff and create a product! Thanks for the “nudge”.
Just emailed you my Rapid Product Formula receipt. Sounds like it’s just what the doctor ordered and I’m excited about the 10k Laser Coaching bonus. You rock!
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….
Author unknown…
My vet gave me that story in a card when my beloved basset hound, Abigail,
died in 2005. Thanks so much for sharing it here.
What a moving story that has affect on the reader from many different levels. I am especially touched by the strength of bond between he, his family and the dog. Love is so powerful there is no price on it.
I have spent the morning over at the butterfly release festival where Elaine and I have signed up with WAG or local dog rescue organization. We hope to start off as handlers, and then perhaps as a foster home for rescued dogs until they are adopted.
I know that as Elaine and I work with this group, that there will be many stories and perhaps products that can be developed around our experience with this rescue organization.
That’s a great story and it reinforces what I’ve known for a long time. I need to start developing my info-products. Ronnie and Nicole’s course sounds perfect, and even though I’m cash-strapped right now, I signed up for the All-Access pass because I wanted the personal attention and coaching. Thank you for your offer to gift us one of your courses for registering for it. I haven’t seen your Article Marketing course, so I’m not sure about that, but I’m definitely interested in your “fly-on-the-wall” 10K Laser Coaching program. Thank you.
What lovely, insightful people you have drawn to you- the comments above are all wise and heartwarming.
As an educator who has been slowed in delivering my message by technology gremlins, I am reminded that the word ‘education’ comes from the root word ‘educare’, meaning ‘to bring out of’. You are in the process of drawing us out so we may in turn be of service to our prospective audience: bringing our best to them to bring out their best. And the cycle ripples out. David W. above reminds me of the story (and physics) of one butterfly flapping its wings which in time affects many people, places and things far away.
Thank you also for your generous offer. It’s always valuable learning from you.
Even though it isn’t related to the information product development, it’s related to the topic. Bob – thanks again for bringing up Rainbow Bridge. There is a terrific website PetLoss.com that has been my refuge when 3 of my siberian huskies have crossed the bridge. You can write a memorial for your pets there and they remain posted for you and others to look at forever.
Regarding the information product course, Connie’s persistence (and her reputation and “right-on-ness”) caused me to sign up for Ronnie and Nicole’s course. What will be cool will be if we can all post our products here (or maybe another location) so we’ll each be able to see what’s available to promote (even if we put them on clickbank) – having a central repository to scan is great. I would rather promote one of the folks on this list than just randomly choosing from Clickbank.
We might also be able to use each other for bonuses or something like that. There’s lots we can do with each other.
Thanks again Connie
Way to encapsulate a great principle into a story that could only leave the hardest of us in an unmelted state. You rock Connie!
Particularly meaningful post Connie. You were able to connect emotional need as a practical implication for reason to reg. for program. Might be a formula we all should consider.
Love this post, Connie. You could have just listened to it as a story, a part of a conversation, but I love the way you brought it back to us, and found the inspiration in it.
Only 60 bucks! Priceless.
Connie, Thank you for the reminder about valuable knowledge being shared on the internet. I have always said, “Knowledge is power.” Blessings, Doc