Subscribe To My Podcast – Praestabilis: Excellence in Marketing
My name is Connie Ragen Green and I teach people just like you how to build a profitable online business and use the basic technology needed to get started in this fun and lucrative field. The first year (2006) was difficult for me online, and I ended up spending about ten thousand dollars and making almost no money. I vowed that my students would not have to struggle like I did.
I have now been making my full-time income online since 2006, and earn a comfortable income, primarily as an online entrepreneur, author, and marketer from my own programs and courses, information products, and affiliate marketing. I teach new online entrepreneurs how to create online course, write short reports, eBooks, and books for Kindle, as well as how to set up your own blog, set up mini-sites, use Twitter and Facebook, create your own information products, and write your own web sales copy, which is copywriting for the Internet.
If you’re interested in reinventing your life and building a business that will serve you for years to come, I would love to connect with you. I’ve also published more than twenty-five best selling books.
My Motto is: “If I Can Do It, YOU Can Do It!”
I’m bestselling author, marketing strategist, and entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green and I would love to connect further with you to help you to achieve your goals. If you are interested in learning how to optimize the syndication of your content, please take a look at my popular Syndication Optimization training course and consider coming aboard to increase your visibility, credibility, and profitability.
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I’m in a course as well and have also experience an explosion in sales and business this year w/a program marketed via teleseminar.
There’s probably a lot of things we can do for/with each other, along the lines of JVs, interviewing each other, bundling products together etc.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Chris Soth
818 730 3288
Connie, Hi!
Kathleen Gage mentioned you on her site and I had to come take a look. Wow! I am going to DEVOUR every article!
Amazing site. Keep up the good work! I will be back.
Robin Muff
Dear Connie: Hello from beautiful Montana.
Thank you so much for the teleclass on Thursday. It was excellent and I
took many, many notes.
You have made a convert and I will be buying your products and using you as a mentor. What a pleasure to do business with someone who has the same philosophy of sharing and karma marketing. You have a gift for delivering a message in an understandable and open way which encourages the participant.
Thank you for sharing.
Judy H. Wright aka Auntie Artichoke, the storytelling trainer
free eBook at
I am really enjoying your teleclass on writing ebooks. I really appreciate your style and your integrity. I am starting to think about writing an ebook on chronic pain. To my surprise I’m really excited about this kind of writing, especially since I just released a “regular” book, Reversing Chronic Pain. I’ll be back to blog more about my new adventures.
Thanks for your information and support,
Maggie Phillilps
Your teleseminars, blog, and links to trusted resources provide a wealth of tools and strategies for those seeking to increase their contribution to others via a vital on-line business presence. Thank you.
Randy Thomas
Aligned for Results, LLC
Hi Connie!
I am really enjoying your teleclasses. Thank you so much for sharing such valuable information.
Deirdre Morris
Hi Connie,
I just signed up to be in your mentor program and am so excited. Even though I have not been able to listen in on all your calls “live,” I listen to them all in replay, and they are so well done that it’s like listening to you in person.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and inspiration!
Jenny Stinson
Hi Connie,
I am in your spring jump start program and enjoying each of your telecasts. I find all of the information timely and easy to apply., kick start cart, squidoo, face book, and blogging, when does a person have a chance to sleep!!
A lot to do in a short amount of time. Wish there were two of me. Oh well, thanks for your help in navigating all of this.
Retreat and Heal LLC
You are a great source and inspiration from one teacher to another. Now we are teaching on a bigger platform.
Hi Connie,
Enjoying your E-book master mind course. Thanks for attending our teleseminar last week. Look forward to working with you. You are a great teacher for Web.2 0. Anyone interested in internet marketing and establishing a business online would benefit by investing their time on your calls.
Thanks for all the great information.
Annie B Lawrence
Hi Connie,
My goodness…your website is an answer to prayer! I am so excited and don’t think I can read your articles fast enough. I look forward to reading your blogs (I don’t know anything about blogs!), newsletters, articles…you name it! My website is under construction right now – a total redo, but my about page will remain the same. I’d love to have you as a mentor and look forward to all the lessons ahead. I’m just beginning to put together ideas for my own ebook. Many, many thanks for everything you’ve put out there. The above posts are a real testimony to your work!
God bless!
Gwendolyn Edwards
Hi Connie,
It is amazing that you are such a wealth of knowledge. Ad words has always seemed too overwhelming, but I jumped in last night after listening to your call. Still seems a little overwhelming so many different applications with Face Book, Linked In, Squidoo, EzineArticles, EBooks, and of course squeeze pages or sales pages. Would love to have you do a technology day on prioritizing the applications. Oh, I almost forgot, then there is teleseminars too.
Just stopping by from Liz Stauss’s Blog Show. Your site intrigued me because I’m writing an e-book now. Guess I need to come back and read up!
HI Connie,
I learned about you and your fabulous site from my mentor Jeanne May. This morning I had a chance to look over some of your articles. WoW! Powerful and energizing. I have bookmarked your site and will return again and again. Thank you for sharing your insights and wisdom.
Cleveland McSwain
Hi Connie,
Saw your post at the NABBW forum, which led me to twitter to follow you and now here.
Lots of great information. I look forward to reading it all. I’m also a student of Alex’s so I’m sure we’ll run into each other here and there. Good to meet you.
Gregory Anne
great stuff! Thank you!
As always you have information for me that is delivered in an orderly and easy to understand format. I love your teaching techniques and always look forward to what’s coming next. Please keep up the good work. We need you!!
Warm wishes,
Hi Connie,
I haven’t finished my ebook yet, but am working on it and will have it completed soon. Writing an Ebook on Healthy Relationships through EFT.
Looking forward to having it complete.
E-books are something that are in my future. Now is not the time, but I will be checking out your information when the time is right.
Hi Connie,
I have been more active with twitter and followed the advise you gave on your teleseminar. I have doubled my following. Thanks for your help Connie your tips are always great but have to have action and follow through applied.
Hope your holidays are going well!
Hi Connie,
I found your site this morning by the power of Twitter. Someone I follow included your link in #followfriday, so I did and here I am. So happy to find your site. I’ll be a regular visitor.
All the best,
Hi Connie,
I have been really enjoying your teleseminar classes with your valuable instruction on how to become a successful affiliate marketer. It is really helping me improve my website and I have started two blogs and an ebook. Thanks for how you always answer all of my questions right away as well.
Your the best,
I just knew I’d have a tough time making it to your Online Revenue Workshop in Las Vegas, it is the middle of winter, I’m feeding 30 head of horses, finishing a new barn, my dog really misses me, no way. However I found I could get a 5:30 pm non stop out of Bellingham, WA to Las Vegas, can you believe that? And I can get out of Vegas Sunday on a non stop and be home in time to do chores Sunday night, so I got my ticket, signed up and already learned about getting my picture on my comment to any blog, and using an email that can generate some traffic to my site and actually be advertising my business. Well let’s see if this works….
I’ve just got to step up and attest to the clear thinking, solid advice, and helpfulness of your posts. I subscribe to many newsletters and yours consistently hits the right tone for me.
Bruce Brown
I’m so glad you are benefitting from what I am teaching.
I was glad to be able to meet you in Wilmington at the
I just love all the great comments you get, you have a beautiful fan club Connie, good for you!! You certainly deserve it as you are a down to earth expert that talks everyday languare so we can follow along!! I love that you are so real and that you love everyone in your community as if they were family. I have learned so much from you and truly belive I am a new and better version of myself after working so closly with you and taking your advice and feedback seriously. That is the key…. take action and execute what you learn, otherwise you just get overwhelmed and stuck in a fog of inaction.
You are brilliant and are the best hand holder to success on the planet!!
Please don’t stop…. you fans need you!! I need you!!!
Thank you for all you do and what you do! It was great finally connecting with you in Minneapolis. Then bumping into you in the airport was unexpected. Then again so was the video interview we did in the airport! It’s posted on my site at…Have a Great Day!!!
I love being one of your students! You have so much valuable information that you are passing on and your willingness to be such a wonderful teacher is awe-inspiring. I am so very glad our paths crossed!
Always great stuff Connie! Article marketing is an essential part of my internet presence and it will continue to be that way for quite some time. Thanks for all the great articles!
Hi Connie! I’m following you now on Networked Blogs. I’m very much looking forward to reading your content. I bet I’ll learn a thing or two.
Hello Connie,
I am so interested in talking to you. I happen live in Santa Clarita too. I have been getting your emails for a while now and today I just noticed where you live. My background is also in Real Estate and for the past year I have found myself more interested in online sales opportunities, but I’m just going in circles trying to figure out which direction and products I should start with? I have been reading and subscribing and collecting info. like crazy. I have paid for programs and ordered products that involve my niche’s, my website, my domain names, my SEO system, my plans for multi-media traffic, etc… Now I realize that I’m spending more money and not making any profit (AS of Yet!) I think that’s the key? All new affiliate marketers must pay their dues to figure this out and then they get their turn to create, and thrive. I hope that’s not really it, will you please call me at 661-877-7867. I need some advice!
Thank you,
Kacey Thorps
It sounds like you need a mentor! I’m not available right now, but stay on my list and learn as much as you can. You are also welcome to come as my guest to Rotary in Santa Clarita, where we can speak before and after the meeting.
It sounds like you have a lot of wisdom to share with others. Thanks for putting this on the web and allowing others to learn from you.
Hey Connie,
I just wanted to thank you for all of your information. I came across you and your book while listening to some internet marketing podcasts. I purchased your book about a month ago and have since got about 5 others to buy it as well!
The thing is I have been marketing and selling on the internet since it was only text based and using newsgroups through my college university. I have pretty much done it all. But in 2001 everything seemed to change and I really got out online marketing and sales because it seemed like I was not able to make the break through I have always been hoping for. I have numerous servers, hundreds of websites, know how to use all the latest and greatest online tools.
Your book really put everything in to perspective for me and showed me what I was missing all along – relationship marketing. I always wondered why I can close every sale over the phone, but when it came to my websites, they just didn’t perform as well as I thought they should. Your book really took me back to the basics and I have a whole new game plan, using your book as my guide.
I am also a full time real estate appraiser and will probably have my broker license soon as well. I hope to use my internet marketing skills and experience to help other appraisers and real estate agents get more results over the internet.
I hope to meet you soon! Also, if you have a trafficgeyser affiliate link, please send it to me!
Bryan Knowlton
You certainly are an expert at marketing online. I agree with you that writing articles and submitting them to directories is one of the best ways to start marketing. You certainly are a great example of how this works.
Thanks for the good info
Good article and good discussion. Some basic stuff but it is always good to remember the basics once in a while.
Most people make a first impression within five seconds time. If you don’t have a site that captures the initial interest, nothing else matters.
I found it very interesting that some people who comment on your blog do not allow commenting on their own blog, believing that; yes success does leave traces, I made sure to allow comments on my main blog.
Hi Connie,
I bought your book, ” Huge Profits Wirth Affiliate Marketing”, because I would like to do this as a part-time, maybe some day full-time income. I also see some e-books on your site, one about mini-sites, and one about secrets of affiliate marketing, which i may be interested in purchasing, but I see no contact information for questions about the products, and I have a question. I think when you’re offering products, asking people to give up their hard earned cash, there should be a way to ask questions. You have been sending me e-mails, and when I tried to reply, and ask a question, it got bounced back, could not be sent.
Very helpful! Thanks!
Great to hear from you, Mary.
Connie Ragen Green
Hi Connie,
You continue to be an inspiration because we share the same philosophy of giving back to the world and making a difference. Thank you for all you do!
Just finished another session of the 10K Laser what a deal I got with this program. I am learning so much more than I ever have.
Thanks Connie for all the great info.
Connie, you are an inspiration to so many of us who aren’t quite where we want to be yet. Your story reminds me that obstacles can be overcome. I’m praying for the strength to remind myself of that every day.
I love your MOTTO and mines makes a nice addition which is: Only Do What Works!

Caleb recently posted…Make Money at Home with Income Society
That’s quite an impressive resume of successful students Connie!
And I just clicked over to your podcast course description, and your course outline is very impressive indeed!
Podcast is definitely an extremely viable marketing tool, that I’ve yet to actively utilize.
It’s good to know an expert has provided a proven road map to success,using podcasting as the vehicle.!Thanks
Mark recently posted…How Some Extremely Savvy Small Business Owners Generate 300% More Profit From So Called Dead Assets!Part Four
HI Connie, Wow – you have some great testimonials here. I haven’t yet used podcasting but it sounds like you have made it be a great marketing tool. I look forward to reading more by you.
Thanks for stopping by, Amy. It was Kelly McCausey who encouraged me to give podcasting another try in December of 2011. I began right away and haven’t looked back. I actually have two popular, award winning podcasts available over on iTunes. I’d love to listen to your podcast once you get started.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Public Speaking for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
Hi Connie
I found your blog through your podcast. I have listened to every episode of yours. I’ve read several of your books as well, including your Tiny List, Big Profits one.
Your genuine concern and desire to help people comes across in everything you do. I’m a HUGE fan.
It’s so inspiring to know that you can succeed online at any age. Your story about being a teacher and then only going into the online space much later on in life really resonated with me. I was a stay-at-home mom and dedicated my twenties and thirties to raising my kids.
Now at 41 I’m starting my own online business (after dabbling with various online ventures since 2008 I’ve finally found what I’m truly passionate about – helping other moms build online businesses so they can have the best of both worlds – earn money and stay home with their kids).
Nice to know about your programs and courses Connie but I am sure to reach this stage of riches, you must have gone through your share of struggles and overcoming huge obstacles, please share them with us too.
Hi Connie
You are a true and brave entrepreneur and thats why you succeeded. You were willing to take huge risks by investing a big amount and you seek to help the people. No wonder you are successful, I am inspired and motivated, many thanks!
Adam Sharpley recently posted…Is Roofing Warranty Going to Cover the Roof’s Lifespan?
You are too kind, Adam. Thanks for stopping by and please keep us updated as to your progress along your journey to entrepreneurship.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Leadership and
Hi Connie, I had a similar experience and struggled making money from the internet for years. Well done for taking the plunge and glad it’s working for you. As you know, persistence is the key! Once you start seeing the light at the end of the very long tunnel, it gives you the strength to push that much harder, knowing you were right to pursue it! Best wishes, Tim
I am so glad I found your course on affiliate marketing! It has been really helpful in improving my website and starting two blogs and an ebook. Your quick responses to all of my questions have also been very helpful. Thanks for everything, I’m excited to see how much more progress I can make with your help!
I’ve been reading you writing for decades. So no doubt you’re the real deal!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
Kristin Costello
Thank you for your kind words, Kristin. I’m so glad we’re connected! ~ Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Digital Product Income with Artificial Intelligence