The best time to start marketing your eBook is while you are still writing it. Make it a point to do something every day to market yourself and your eBook. Here are some of the marketing methods I use to let people know what I am doing and how it can benefit them in their online business.
- write an article on your topic and include useful and beneficial information
- post to your blog and link back to a relevant post
- start your own group on Facebook and discuss your eBook
- comment on someone else’s blog
- give a teleseminar and discuss your eBook
- attend a meeting of a service organization, such as Rotary, and tell them about your eBook
- write an E-course or short report on your topic and give it to your list
- create a short video and upload it to YouTube
How else are you marketing yourself and your eBook to build your online business?
Yep…I’ve said this over and over again. I get asked to review (and sometimes write copy for) books that were *not* written with marketing in mind. i even did a teleclass on this once.