Do you have a membership site? Having your own membership site makes sense, whether you are new to marketing online or have been working on the Internet for several years. It has never been easier than now to have your own site where you can add content and stay connected with your clients. The three types of membership sites I recommend are the free model, the one time payment model, and the one that allows you to deliver your digital product easily to those who purchase from you. I now have 9 of my own membership sites, and I use them for a variety of purposes.
The free membership model is one where you give people access to your information without them having to pay a fee. The purpose of this is to have permission from your prospects to stay in regular contact with them and to let them know about the products and services you have to offer. They are less likely to unsubscribe if there is a benefit to being a part of your community.
One time payments are attractive because we are all tired of having so many monthly obligations. By having people pay you in advance for a one or two year membership, they will save some money and you will be paid in full from the very beginning. At a later time you can always change this to a monthly membership for those who are just joining your program.
Selling digital products used to mean setting up a secure download page in order to deliver what you had sold. By setting it all up in a membership site, your customers will be able to download what they need, when they need it, and you will be able to add more content over time. You also do not have to worry about people finding your information without having paid for it because you have it safely behind your secure site.
As you can see, there are many reasons to use this strategy in your own online business. This has made a huge difference for me, in terms of ease of use, as well as my bottom line. Take a look at my Special Report on membership sites to see if this startegy is right for you.
Had no idea how versatile it is to have a membership site. From free services to downloading ditigal products. Something to conisder down the road for my website. Thanks Connie.