My mother turned 91 on December 2. It isn’t easy being 91, and I am the only child, so it falls on me to be there for her. She has also been there for me, caring for me each time I have had another bout with cancer. Last year, on her 90th birthday, my mom asked me how my writing was going. She had always encouraged me to be a writer, but I never believed her when she said I could do it.
I told her it was going well, and that I was still blogging and writing articles. She still doesn’t get the blogging part, but she knows that I write every day. What I couldn’t tell her was that even though I was making some money with affiliate programs and my own courses, it was just not enough to pay the bills. We live just north of Los Angeles, so it is very expensive.
As we sat there in front of the television, celebrating her birthday, I made a decision that would ultimately change my life – I decided to sign up for Alex Mandossian’s Teleseminar Secrets course that was starting in just a few days. No, I couldn’t afford it, but I believed that this course would help push me over the edge so that I could finally make enough money to pay for all of my expenses.
The rest is history. Within 30 days of starting the course I had made enough money to pay my mortgage payment, catch up with my back property taxes, and could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. My life is completely different now. I hold weekly free teleseminars, as well as teaching courses on online writing and technology. And my mom? She couldn’t be prouder of me.
Sometimes I think about what would have happened if I hadn’t signed up for this teleseminar course, but I quickly get that thought out of my mind and go back to my writing. If I can do it, so can you.
Thanks for your inspiration Connie. I would love to have the extra money to be there more often for my parents. My Dad has Alzeimers and my Mom has health issues. They live in FL and I am in TN so my dream is to spend the winter in FL on a small peice of land we own. Because my husband is sick I also need to be there for him. I need a camper or motorhome so we could bring our pets with us when we go down. Because I have 4 dogs, 2 horses and a miniature donkey there will be no staying at Moms condo. LOL I am going to make this all work with the help of Connies plan for making money online
Yes, my mom lives with us. The Amish are one ‘ancient’ culture in our midst…that still have this kind of reverence for their aging parents…very heartening…may you both continue to be blessed.