It wasn’t until the fall of 2008 that I began to use opt in pages, also known as squeeze pages, to build my list. Prior to that time I had just used the opt in box on my blogs in order to collect the names and email addresses of readers who were interested in learning more about how I teach people to build an online business.
When I finally took a look at my numbers I was shocked. At least five times as many people had signed up through my opt in pages as had on my blogs! All this time I was building visitors, but not building my list. I do not want you to do the same thing. Even if you already have an opt in on your blog or website, and you absolutely must, you still need a simple opt in page where people can quickly see what you do, and then leave their information in order to receive your free giveaway.
Your list consists of the people who will be interested in your products and services as you stay in contact with them over time. Treat them like gold, and you will prosper in your online business. Give them as much information as possible. Answer their emails. Create free reports and audios that will be helpful to them. When they are ready to purchase, you will be the one they think of first.
Hi Connie,
Great advice!
I’m blessed to be an energy healer who is making my livelihood with my healing practice. I couldn’t agree more with your list building advice. My mailing list is one of my business’s most valuable assets. If not for my list, I wouldn’t be able to help people release their hidden blocks to success.
Blessings to you,
Wow… what a shock. This information is great to know. I will take it very seriously. I have over 500 people who have opted in on my blog. I have yet to sell them anything. I give so much away free to my list that I’m afraid they’ll all leave if I try to sell them something.
If I start fresh with an squeeze page… I won’t make the same mistake.
Is there any hope for the list I already have?
Connie, you give the best advice on how to build an online business!
When we have successful first hand experience with something, as you have had with building your online business, and as I have had with various physical pain, then we know how to help others. It’s not book-learning; it’s actual experience.
And, some people are just good teachers. They make it easy to understand. You are one of those people.
Thank you, Connie, for this reminder. I recently moved my blog to a new platform and am about to add the Opt-In Box to the new blog, but have been putting off building a squeeze page. Your post reminds me of the value of having one and what opportunities I may be missing to gro my list.
You can always be counted on to provide valuable, relevant information.