The Productivity Challenge for 2013 has begun! For the third year in a row I am hosting another productivity challenge during the spring for you to get moving forward in your online business. If you’d like to take a look at last year’s productivity challenge, it’s on my other blog at this link.
We began on April 1, 2013 and will continue throughout the entire month with this challenge. You may join us at any time; simply leave a comment to introduce yourself to the group.
What Exactly Is A Productivity Challenge?
This is where I post to my blog every day for at least 21 days in a row (for 2013 it will be a 30 day challenge) to share the thinking, activities, and tasks you need to be implementing in your life and in your business to become a successful online entrepreneur. I like to do it in the spring of the year so that you are ready to be open to new ideas and new ways of building a profitable business.
Productivity Challenge Day 1 – Today I would like for you to find three blogs on your niche topic. Make it a goal to read their posts, to leave comments, and to connect with the authors of these sites. What are they doing that is similar to what you are doing? How are they different? Learn as much as you can about these people and their sites and make some notes on what you like the most about them, as well as what does not appeal to you. We all learn by observing, implementing, and reflecting on what others are doing. This is also the beginning of connecting with colleagues with the idea of having Joint Venture partners in the future.
Productivity Challenge Day 2 – Let’s talk about delegating and outsourcing. I am able to be super productive each and every day because I no longer spend time with activities and tasks that can be best done by others. If you think about it, you’ll see that you most likely already delegate or outsource many things in your life, such as getting your hair cut, repairing your car, or having your shoes repaired. There are some things that you absolutely must handle yourself, such as going to the dentist or getting a manicure, but other things are best done by the people who specialize in that area. This is an example of how I got started with this in a major way:
- A friend of mine used to be a travel agent before her son was born. Several years ago she asked me if she could book my flights when I went to events around the country, and now she has done this for me exclusively since 2009. We bartered for this service during the first year, and since then she has been a part-time independent contractor in my business.
- I write lots of articles. Seriously, LOTS of articles! I love writing them, but submitting them to the directories was tedious for me. A family member began doing it for me for three dollars per article, and now I have two people who do this as part of their work for me as Virtual Assistants.
- When I return from out of town (I travel every few weeks for business or pleasure) I like to have a few perishable food items waiting for me. I have a wonderful lady who lives in my neighborhood who does some shopping for me the day before I return. When I walk through the door I know that fresh strawberries, ripe bananas, Greek yogurt, and a few other delicious treats await me. She also goes to the post office, drops off and picks up dry cleaning, and waters the plants for me, working about ten hours each month in total.
These are just a few examples of what other people can do for you to help you in your life and with your business. Running errands can eat up a sizable chunk of your time, so this is crucial to becoming a successful online entrepreneur.
Today I want you to choose three activities or tasks that someone else can do for you, freeing up some of your time to work on your business. Let us know what things those are and how you will handle the delegation/outsourcing right away.
Day 3 – List building is an activity you must engage in on a daily basis as an online entrepreneur. This starts with having multiple ways for people to join your list. Your hosted WordPress blog is typically the first site you set up, so make sure there is an optin box where visitors can exchange their name and email for your free giveaway.
Next, set up an optin page that caters to a specific group of prospects. This should be a stand-alone page, where visitors have only two choices; opt in or leave. You can see an example of that at my Viral Report Marketing site.
How many sites do you own and control where your prospects may join your list? I currently have almost fifty of these, but it all begins with the first one. Share one of your optin pages with us here by leaving a comment.
Productivity Challenge Day 4 – It’s wonderful to see so many readers participating in the challenge! Congratulations on making the commitment to jump start your online business with this 30 day productivity challenge.
Let’s talk about earning some income if you are just getting started. Affiliate marketing is the way many people get started, but even before you recommend other people’s products and services you can offer your own services to others. As soon as I learned how to set up WordPress sites I started doing it for a fee for people who wanted a custom site without having to pay for it. I continue to do this when someone signs up for hosting through my affiliate link. You can see how I’ve set this up by taking a look at this page.
What can you do right now that others will be willing to pay you for? Here are some ideas:
- Submit articles to the directories
- Proofread articles, blog posts, eBooks, and books for Kindle
- Set up and post to social media sites
- Create simple graphics
- Contact potential JV (joint venture) partners
- Set up interviews for Internet radio shows and podcasts
- Transcribe audio recordings
- Rewrite PLR (private label rights) content
These are just a few ideas of ways you can earn money from work that is done online; there are even more ideas for offline work. Be creative with your thinking and see what you come up with. Much of the work I am describing here falls under the heading of being a Virtual Assistant; you may end up loving it and decide to continue doing it on a part-time basis as you build your business.
Please share how you are earning some money on the Internet right now while you are learning to become a full time online entrepreneur.
Day 5 – Continuing education is crucial to success, and every profession requires it. As an entrepreneur, take it upon yourself to be an ongoing learner. Reading is the best place to get started with your business education, and I have created a Productivity Reading List to share which books I am reading. I read physical books and books on my Kindle, and listen to audio books while walking, driving, or flying.
You will also want to frequent your local public library to find books and audio books, as I describe in greater detail in this post on online marketing research.
You will also want to participate in online trainings such as this one, attend live events, and work with a Mentor to further your business continuing education.
Be willing to devote thirty minutes each day to reading and learning. Please leave a comment to share your favorite business books and other ways of learning more about becoming an online entrepreneur.
Day 6 – We’ve been discussing many things that are crucial to your online success, but today we need to get back to the basics of what you must have in place if you are going to earn money as an entrepreneur.
The very first thing is your hosted, WordPress site. This is your ‘home on the internet’ where others can find out who you are, what you do, and how you may serve them.
On Day 4, above, I explained how I do this at no cost to you, so if you still do not have a site you own and control you must stop what you’re doing and get that set up. A site on Blogger or Weebly is not a site you own, so take that into consideration if you want to build a profitable business for yourself.
Day 7 – Before we go any further, I’d like for you to log in to the autoresponder service you are using and get to know it better. I use both Aweber (get started for only $1) and Kick Start Cart (it’s a licensed version of 1 Shopping Cart) to send my autoresponder and broadcast emails. I use both systems so that I am able to have greater control over my business, but you do not need to do this during your first year or so online. I also pay for an advanced tool to allow me to do things with my list that make it much easier for me to segregate separate lists and to change subscribers from one list to another, features that are typically only found in much more expensive systems.
If you’re just starting out, I recommend that you use Aweber to set up your first, or next, autoresponder sequence. Spend some time today clicking on everything in the tool bar. This is how you get to know just what is available and how powerful this software is when it comes to building a profitable online business.
Refuse to allow yourself to get caught up in the details of which service is best or how much it will cost each month (I pay by the year to save even more money). If you could spend a hundred dollars to earn ten thousand dollars, would you be worrying about how to save an additional twenty dollars? Of course not! That’s referred to by entrepreneurs and small business owners as ‘majoring in the minors’, which means getting bogged down in the details and minutiae. Rise above that and move profitably forward.
If you already have a site, tell us where it is so we can take a look. Tomorrow we’ll be talking about your free giveaway, so if you already have one set up opt into your list again and see what it’s like for your prospects to do the same. Read over your free giveaway to see how you may want to change it.
Productivity Challenge Day 8 – Today we want to focus on the free giveaway you are offering in exchange for someone giving you their name and email to join your list. Long gone are the days when we would opt in to someone’s list just to receive a newsletter or updates. Instead, we all want to receive something so irresistible we just can’t say no!
The most popular way to compel new prospects to join your list is to offer them a short report on the exact topic they are looking for. This may take you some time to figure out, but once you do then it is just a matter of time before your list grows quickly.
You will also use the same short report as a free giveaway to your social media community, to add to a membership site, and to send as a free gift to the people already on your list. The idea is to repurpose your content over and over again, getting your name out in a big way and building your credibility. Learning how to write and share this reports will change your business forever. I have an excellent training on How to Write Short Reports, and you may pick it up for only $17 by using the coupon code profit. That’s a twenty dollar discount.
I write at least two new short reports each month. Today I’m writing one that Marlon Sanders will be using as a bonus for his new product. When the word gets out that you are able to write short reports on your topic, you will be in high demand.
Another way to repurpose your short reports is to turn them into books for Kindle.
For the purposes of your free giveaway, these reports need only be abut five to seven pages long.
Day 9 – ‘What’s For Sale?’ Today let’s discuss making money online. The question you must ask yourself each day is ‘What do I have available for sale on the Internet?’ This means that in order to make money while you sleep, which I do every day, you must have opportunities available for people to find you, click on your links and make a purchase.
If I sat in front of my computer today, credit card or PayPal info in hand, how could I make purchases of your own products or affiliate products where you would earn money? I currently have at least five thousand opportunities available, and I continue to add more each day.
May a list of every place you can think of where there are links that belong to you. Start with your blog and see what number you can come up with. This is what I explain in the Special Report I just created for Marlon Sanders’ new WP Leads and Sales Dashboard.
Share your thoughts with us here so that we can discuss it further.
Day 10 – RECAP
Let’s take a look at where we are on this tenth day of the challenge:
- You have a hosted WordPress blog on your niche topic
- This site has an optin box, where visitors may sign up on your list to receive your free giveaway
- You are reading three other blogs on your topic and making comments where appropriate
- You have identified three tasks that can be delegated or outsourced to others, freeing up some additional time for you to work on your business
- You have purchased another domain name and set up an additional opt in page
- You are offering a service to others to earn some additional income
- You are spending thirty minutes each day reading books on business, success, and entrepreneurship
- Your initial autoresponder sequence is in place for when someone opts in to your list
- Your free giveaway is a compelling one
- You know exactly what you have for sale, of your own or through affiliate links
- Your thank you pages offer new subscribers an additional product or course
Thank you pages are the topic for today. Opt in to your own list and see where you are taken. This should be a thank you page that you or your tech person has created, specifically for your offer of a free report or other giveaway.
This is a simple thank you page I had created:
Can you see what I have added to it? This is someone else’s eBook, through my affiliate link. Small changes like this will increase your bottom line exponentially.
Day 11 – Your autoresponder messages are an important, yet often overlooked, part of your online business. Today I would like for you to write three additional email messages to add to your autoresponder sequence after people have received your initial welcome email. This is what I am suggesting:
Day 1 – They receive a welcome email from you, thanking them for subscribing and requesting your free giveaway. Include a link to where they may access the giveaway, even if you have already given it to them on the thank you page. You most likely have already written this email message.
Day 2 – Include some information about yourself, in relation to your niche topic. This is where storytelling comes into play, and it is very powerful. No one has dropped out of the sky, so be willing to share a little more about yourself with your prospects. Include a link to one of your blog posts so they will a) know you are blogging regularly and b) see what else you have to offer on your blog in the way of content, products, affiliate offers, and more.
Day 3 – Include information on how they can further engage with you, such as on social media, with a teleseminar (I always have ready), or with an eCourse or upcoming training. This may be yours or an affiliate offer.
Day 4 – Send them an offer – either to one of your products or to an affiliate site. The offer must be relevant to why they joined your list in the first place. Include a link to the page you are sending them to three times throughout the email. This works!
Writing autoresponder messages may seem tedious to write and prepare, but they are gold when it comes to building your business as an online entrepreneur.
Day 12 – Let’s discuss what to include on your ‘About’ page on your site(s). This is a separate page you add to your site. There is no right or wrong way to approach this, and you may take a look at mine at Huge Profits Tiny List and here on this blog to get some ideas. How are these two pages different? How are they similar?
Include the link to your ‘About’ page so we may get to know you better and give you some feedback. I’d like to know what you think about mine as well.
Day 13 – Allow your prospects the opportunity to hear your voice! Today I’m going to challenge you to host a fifteen minute teleseminar on your topic and to invite everyone you know to attend.
I can recall just how frightened I was when I first did this in 2007, but I also remember how it made me feel while I was on the call discussing my topic with others. For an eighteen month period I hosted a free teleseminar each Wednesday at 6 pm EST. Even though the call was free to my subscribers, I earned money each week by recommending my own and affiliate products. Even now I continue host two ‘open’ calls each month. You can get a better idea of what I do on my teleseminars by going to Ask Connie Anything
I continue to use the Instant Teleseminar service for this, and you can get started with a 10 day trial for only $1 to see how it works. You may have noticed that all successful entrepreneurs use teleseminars to communicate with their community on a regular basis, and that’s because allowing people to hear your voice works extremely well in building relationships.
Let us know when and where your teleseminar will be so we may join you.
Day 14 – Today is all about the relationships you have been building with people in your niche and in niches that are complimentary to yours. How do you start the process of building a relationship with a successful entrepreneur? Here are some ways to get started:
- When you purchase something, send a card to thank them; put in a support ticket telling them why their product was beneficial to you; give them a testimonial
- Write a product review on your blog; make a short video that explains what you liked best
- Join their affiliate program and tell others about their product
- Connect with them on social media and thank them publicly
- Attend a live event where they will be speaking or attending
I started doing this several years ago without even thinking about it and now it’s just a part of how I do business. Some of the people I have connected with in this way include Dennis Becker, David Perdew, Marlon Sanders, Ryan Deiss, Armand Morin, Jason Fladlien, Wilson Mattos, and Ray Edwards.
Who will you be connecting with to build a relationship for your online business?
Productivity Challenge Day 15 – Congratulations on making it to the halfway point! Less than 10% of the people who started on Day 1 will make it this far, so no matter when you join us in the challenge you are now in the top 5-10% for entrepreneurial productivity if you’re working through the training each day. That’s why I’ve always said that there is very little competition on the Internet; most people give up, make excuses, or find something else to occupy their mind. If you’re still moving forward you have an excellent chance fir great success.
Today we’re going to outline an idea for a new product. Spend about an hour on this and let us know what you’ve come up with. Purchase a domain name for it through my discounted affiliate link at GoDaddy and get your ideas down on paper. My new product will be on how to learn to be a virtual assistant. I bought the domain name, have made some notes, and will have it ready to go as a live course within the next 30 days. Speed of implementation is crucial to success.
Make sure that a membership site is part of your new product. Geoff Hoff and Paul Taubman are starting a new course on setting up membership sites that I highly recommend. This will ensure that your new product brings you residual income so that you work once and get paid over and over again.
What’s your new product? How will it serve your target market?
Day 16 – Today we are revisiting the Day 13 tip on hosting your own teleseminars.
Let’s talk about the most powerful tool you have at your disposal. It’s not your WordPress site, your list, your products, or even your relationships. No, it’s something even closer to you every moment of the day – your voice!
The power of the spoken word is how you will connect with people all over the world, most of whom you will never meet in person. I started hosting my own teleseminars in 2007, and soon after began interviewing others this way. The technology is simple – everyone can use a phone! You can record your calls and use them as products, to recommend affiliate products, as podcasts, and as a way to try out new ideas with your audience. I have used the Instant Teleseminar service since it came out in 2007, and was in a Mastermind with its creator, Rick Raddatz, for a while. Sign up for a 21 day trial for one dollar, and invite us to your 15 minute call!
After you have recorded your talk, have it transcribed into a short report. This can be used as a free giveaway, a bonus for one of your own or for someone else’s product, or as a stand alone product. The combination of audio and written content is a winner!
Day 17 – Today is all about connecting with other like-minded people. The easiest way to do this while working from home as an online entrepreneur is to join a paid forum. I am a member of three forums, and the one I’m recommending here is the Earn 1K a Day forum, created by Dennis Becker.
Introduce yourself first, and then take a look at the thread entitled ‘Breakthrough Challenges’. Also, connect with me there and I’ll introduce you around. This is where you’ll find JV partners, have access to valuable trainings and downloads, and be able to ask questions on anything and everything you’re working on. Some of my biggest goals have been met due to the relationships and information I have access to here.
Day 18 – It’s back to reading today with books from the Productivity Challenge Reading List. I highly recommend reading each day for thirty minutes, and this would include books on your niche topic, books on business, marketing, success, leadership, time management and productivity, and anything else that inspires you to achieve your goals as an online entrepreneur.
I stopped reading fiction when I came online and got serious about building a profitable business. Now I will occasionally read a mystery or novel, but I have come to love the education I receive by reading books from experts in my field of online marketing and business.
Reading enriches your life in many ways, and as a former classroom teacher you would expect for me to feel this way. Share just one of your favorite books with us here, and I will add some of them to the Reading List.
Day 19 – Show me the money! This is what most of us are looking forward to when we make the decision to come online and build a business. I’ll never forget how I felt in April of 2006 when I found out I had earned $21.60 in affiliate commission from the sale of an eBook through Clickbank. I jumped up and down and danced around, knowing that if I could make this happen once, I could do it over and over again.
Sure enough, I have continued to earn money as an affiliate marketer, and that income stream continues to bring me about half of my overall income. In addition to the cash I earn, there are also many prizes to be one. I’ve now won fourteen iPads, and just last month I won two iPad Minis over the course of just one weekend.
I do teach this several times a year, but for now I’d like for you to pick up my $7 Special Report, called Affiliate Contest Secrets. This is excellent if you are just starting out, as it includes the exact emails I send, the strategies I use, and the system you can put into place to start earning your own commissions and prizes. It’s 60 pages long and gives you a detailed, step by step plan to move forward right away. If you already own it, go back and read it again, word for word.
One free tool that makes affiliate marketing much easier is the Pretty Link plugin. There is also a paid version, but start out with the free one (called Pretty Link Lite) for the first six months.
What questions may I answer for you on the topic of affiliate marketing tips and tricks?
Day 20 – Are you ready for your close up? Create a short video and upload it to YouTube. Use or to get started, have a friend record you with a Flip or other simple camera, or record a screen capture with you doing the voice over. Videos are easier than ever before, it’s fun to create them, and people will be able to find you easily by the keywords you use. Leave a comment here to give us the link to the video you create. Take a look at my YouTube channel and also be sure to subscribe to get updates so you may have a better idea of how I’m incorporating videos into my online marketing strategy. Share the name of your channel here so we may subscribe.
Day 21 – Today I’d like for you to reach out to three people who are successful in your niche. These should be people you have been following for six months or longer, ones you have purchased from, and also people you’d like to do a JV (joint venture) with in the future. Make every effort to contact them through their support desk, via email, on social media, or on the phone. Express your appreciation for what you have learned from them so far, and ask them how you may be of service to them with something they are currently working on.
I know this is not as easy thing for me to ask you to do, but remember that I never ask my students to do anything I would not do myself. When I was first asked by my Mentor to do this in 2008 I felt like there was no one in the world who would be interested in working with me in a JV relationship. I contacted about fifteen people, about half of them responded within a week or so, and withing a year I had done JVs with four of them! I then saw that if I had the confidence to reach out to successful people and start a relationship with them, anything was possible. Let us know what happens.
Day 22 – Are you increasing your visibility online? The best way to measure this is to ‘Google’ yourself. Go over to Google and type in your name in quotation marks (mine is “connie ragen green”). Print out the first page or two and keep it in a folder. You want to note which of your sites is listed first as the most important for your name (in Google’s humble opinion).
Over time this number will grow exponentially if you are spending some time each day in getting your name and information out to the world. Some excellent ways to help this along include blogging; article marketing; setting up additional opt in pages; creating products; writing and publishing eBooks, Special Reports, and books for Kindle; through social media; and with teleseminars and interviews.
Another important reason to do this is to see exactly what people will find when they do a search for your name. I was recently on a call with a top marketer and I innocently asked him about his new book on Amazon. I had found out about this in my search, and it turned out someone had copied his work and published it under his name. Within a few minutes he had contacted Amazon to begin the process of having the book removed, but he may not have become aware of this for quite some time if it had not been for my Google search of his name.
‘Google’ my name to get an idea of how this works, and then do it with your name so you can print it out for your files.
Day 23 – Most of the successful people working today on the Internet got their start with affiliate marketing. By recommending what you love to others, you serve them by sharing what works for you while also earning some income.
So, where do you find products to promote through an affiliate link? Start with what you have been purchasing for your own needs. You can become my affiliate at Affiliate Links and Tools. I also recommend purchasing a membership to the NAMS online forum and membership site, as well as Dennis Becker’s Five Bucks a Day book and audios. By doing what I am suggesting here you will have an inventory of more than fifty products to begin recommending to others.
What questions do you have as you get started with affiliate marketing?
Day 24 – Today is a ‘social media’ day. Change your profile on Twitter to reflect the new site you set up during the first week of this challenge. Send a tweet announcing your new site, and ask people to take a look. Do the same thing on LinkedIn. Better yet, connect your Twitter and LinkedIn accounts so that you can write it once and post to both. Then go over to Facebook, make sure you and I are friends, and tell me about your new site on my wall. Mention the Productivity Challenge so I know who you are and what you are referring to. Now go over to your YouTube Channel and edit your profile. Your final stop will be at Google+ to see what you need to add to your profile on that site.
Productivity Challenge Day 25 – Is all of your data backed up? I woke up this morning ready to join a 7 am webinar, write a new blog post, and work on my next book, only to find that there had been a major Windows update during the night that changed everything on my computer. My hard drive was wiped clean, and all of my files were missing. After closing my eyes to keep from hyperventilating, I calmed myself down to see if I could reverse what had happened during the update.
Once I realized that all of my files were backed up in Dropbox, I felt much better and was able to get my computer back to where it had been before the automatic update. Now you can’t even tell what happened. Get a free account at Dropbox so everything you’re working on will be safe and sound, and accessible from anywhere in the world. Whether I’m on vacation in Costa Rica, visiting family in Finland, or even at a friend’s house across town, my files, photos, and other documents are available to me instantly.
If you’re going to run an online empire, make sure you are not dependent upon a specific computer to do what is needed each day. Instead, strive to have everything web-based and accessible from any computer that you happen to be using.
Day 26 – Google Hangouts are relatively new and cutting edge. I was recently asked to be a panel member on Jason Fladlien’s Tube Method Hangout, and during this training we all shared how we could use this technology in our business. My ideas ranged from being to create book trailers for my Amazon books to coaching ‘hot seats’ and technology training.
I would encourage you to give this a try. My two minute Hangout recording is here. Let us know when you record your first Hangout, whether it’s by yourself or with others.
Day 27 – Let’s get back to some basics today. Take a look at your blog to make sure it is welcoming to your visitors. Ask yourself the following questions:
- Am I posting original, relevant content twice each week?
- Do I have categories that make sense for my topic?
- Is my ‘About’ page current?
- Is there a picture of me on my site?
- Am I promoting more than teaching?
- Do I encourage visitors to leave comments?
- Is there a way for visitors to join my list?
What questions do you have about using your blog to connect with your prospects as you build your online business?
Day 28 – Make sure you have all of your legal forms in place. One lawsuit can put you out of business and destroy your financial life. Most of us don’t give any thought to this, and the truth is that it is quite easy and inexpensive to make sure we have everything we need. I have used a company called Auto Web Law for several years now. It was first recommended by people in my Mastermind, and now all of my high level coaching clients use it as well. This is an important part of doing business as an online entrepreneur.
Day 29 – Make the conscious decision to turn yourself into a writer. This single skill has changed my life completely. When I came online in 2006 I had not written anything for the past twenty-five years. I quickly saw that writing would be a huge part of my success as an online entrepreneur, so I began to write every day, even if it was only a paragraph or two. A year later, during the spring of 2007, I challenged myself to write a hundred articles in one hundred days. It ended up only taking me 78 days, and I had turned myself into a writer during that time. Now I write every single day, enabling me to have an online empire of information products, blogs, short reports, books, and more. You can do the same exact thing, and know that your writing will also improve over time.
Day 30 – We have come to the final day in our 30 Day Productivity Challenge. Are you further ahead in your business than you were a month ago? Was it difficult to remember to visit my site each day during this time? Did you notice that I shared a combination of tactics and strategy with you? These are the questions to ask yourself as you move forward as an online entrepreneur.
Commit to becoming a lifelong learner and reap the rewards this will bring. We are involved in an industry that will be dynamic forever, so we must learn as much as we can to remain cutting edge in our niche. Have fun with this process and you’ll never work another day in your life.
I would love to meet you in person at a live event. My own event, Weekend Marketer Live, will be in October of 2013 in Las Vegas. Between now and then I will be attending several events, Including Dennis Becker’s Earn 1K a Day event in Las Vegas in July, and NAMS in August in Atlanta. I hope to see you there!
Please leave a comment if you will be joining us this year, and share a little about yourself, your business and your goals. You may begin the challenge at any time. Our Productivity Challenge teleseminar was very helpful to all who attended live. The replay is now available here.
Hi Connie, Count me in! I am in the Spirituality, pet, prayer, healing, self-development Niche!
Thanks for the opportunity!!
Kate Loving Shenk
You were the very first person to join us this year! Thanks so much.
Connie – I’m in! Looking forward to the 21 day Productivity Challenge.
I help entrepreneurs and small business owners identify and develop innovative ideas to grow their business.
My goals for April:
1. Participate every day in your 21 day challenge.
2. Finish my first product – Innovation Jumpstart.
Thanks for your support of online entrepreneurs!
Thrilled to have you here!
How exciting and perfect timing for me. Thanks Connie. I’ve started blogging on principles of success and passion to profit for people new to working from home.
Welcome aboard the 2013 Productivity Challenge!
Connie, this 21 day productivity challenge is going to be great. Thanks for the great resource.
I do have a question. I was looking over your productivity challenge from last year and noticed on day 3 you assigned creating a giveaway report for the opt-ins. You also assigned a seven day e-course as a giveaway on day 16.
Is there any problem with bypassing the report and just start with the seven day e-course as my opt-in?
This is great stuff and I look forward to implementing this system.
I will be perfectly honest with you here. Taking shortcuts will not serve you well, even if you are already at six figures a year. It’s best to create your free giveaway as a 1000 to 2000 word document to get prospects to join your list. Later on, create a 7 day eCourse that’s about 100-150 words per lesson, with a call to action at the end of each day’s lesson. There is a huge difference between the two, and I don’t want anyone to get sidetracked as they build their online business as an entrepreneur.
Thanks for the great advice and I look forward to working on this challenge. Love it!
So excited to be on this journey. What perfect timing! Thanks Connie for all you do…you are a gift!
Thank you, Cheryl!
I’m excited to be joining the challenge. I work in the self development niche, and am always looking for ways to up my game!
Bob, great to see you here. So glad you’ll be joining us this year.
Fortunately in terms of delegation I have 2 teenagers who still live at home and are always wanting money. They get the money in exchange for walking the dogs, clearing up meals and running errands. All time drainers for me. As my work load increases I’ll also be able to outsource some computer work to them. Being boys they love their computers and electronic gadgets.
Anne, this sounds excellent. Welcome aboard!
I will delegate at least three of my non-licensed real estate tasks to my husband to free up more time for my online business. Putting on lockboxes, preparing and sending out mailings and putting listing sheets in houses are my 3 to start with. It may not sound like much, but the travel and running around can really eat up profitable time during each day.
Those three sound perfect, Cheryl. People really do want to help us.
This is just the structure I need in place.
Thank you Connie!
Coach in your Corner
Yes, structure and discipline work well for business success, Catherine.
I am looking forward to this series! I definitely need help in this area!
Thanks so much for coming aboard!
I forgot the part about me! 🙂 I’m a married mom of 2 working my romance enhancement business and trying hard to keep our household sane!
Excellent, Helen!
Connie –
It is great to be back and become even more productive. Here is your new tagline – The 2013 Productivity Challenge – New & Improved and 3 Days longer!
I help folks with their WordPress websites – so I am always helping people! I am looking forward to increasing my productivity and increasing my fun time!
Thanks for hosting this!
Be Well.
Love the tag line, Paul! Thanks so much for joining us this year.
Thank you Connie-looking forward to the writing and
building momentum.
Yes, Gwenn, this will definitely help you to build momentum for your online business!
Love your ideas! After spending the last few years in copywriting, I’m getting a lot of demand from my career site, so I’m focusing more on that area. I find clients don’t care if I also do copywriting/marketing and vice versa.
Re delegating:, delivery services (who shops anymore), and tech support.
Article submission is next!
Yes, those are all good ways to delegate and outsource. I don’t use Fiverr for various reasons, but having food, pet food, and household cleaning supplies delivered works well for me. I do almost no tech work any longer, and others have been submitting my articles for years now.
Thanks so much for joining us this year!
It has been way too long since I took part of one of your
I am in for this one
It has been way too long! Thanks so much for joining us this year.
I would love to take part this year!!!
So glad to have you aboard this year!
Hi Connie, I’m looking forward to the challenge, count me in! I have a couple of projects I’m working on and will be looking for ways to help me complete them.
Thank you,
Ellene Breedlove Davis
Yes, taking action will get those projects moving forward quickly.
Perfect timing, Connie. I have a lot to do over the next 30 days. Deborah
Yes, Deborah, but it all gets easier over time.
I am going to use this as my ‘kick in the butt.’ I am prime to start my online business (excuse, it is just info overload) and will use this as my ‘just do it’ and make changes later (sounds like writing). Looking forward to challenge.
Thanks for coming aboard, Maureen.
Hey, Connie,
I’ve just started your challenge and it’s Day 2, so I’m going to catch up today. What I like about this challenge is that these are all actions I should be doing all the time anyway – so this challenge will be the daily reminder I need to stay on track.
As you know, I’m a freelance writer, author, speaker, and writing coach. Thanks for this challenge, Connie. I hope everyone enjoys it. I KNOW it will help build their businesses if they accept each day’s challenge.
Wonderful to have you in the group.
Count me in too. Thanks for doing this.
What will you be delegating/outsourcing to others?
Looking forward to a step-by-step approach through April.
Thanks so much for joining us!
Absolutely perfect timing for me! Count me in!
Great to have you aboard, Ed!
Hello Connie,
Thanks for this challenge. I am looking forward to the added strength of knowing that many others are right along with me choosing to work on their business, instead of all the other distractions out there.
I will catch up here, and today, will find and hire someone to take care of the lawn care for the season, find a cleaning service for a few hours/month and …one more thing.
Take care,
Thanks so much, Al. You may be the first person to list what you will delegate and outsource. Wonderful!
I often feel I am going in 100 directions at once and am guilty of wasting time on busywork so this challenge will be exciting. Thanks for the invitation.
Hi Connie- I’m in, beginning one day late but will catch up. I think this focus will help me shift and grow. It’s the techy stuff I need to outsource as it slows me way down and I don’t enjoy it. I hired someone just yesterday to help me so today I’ll do the blogs!
Welcome, Kaya. You’ll find that delegating and outsourcing allows your creative juices to flow.
I am working through another course right now … I think this will be the perfect compliment to that course. I am a clinical social worker with expertise in child custody and divorce issues. Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Shawn Briley
1) I have my blog outsourced for the purpose of Backup Buddy and maintenance. I already had the blog outsourced when I created it.
2) I plan to have a friend create a squeeze page for a book launch coming up soon to get more opt- ins.
3) I did outsource another blog of mine already, but need to pay more attention to it!!
I did reach out to 3 people in my niches, and am looking forward to hearing back from them!!
As far as having someone else walk the dog?? No way! I wouldn’t have lost 25 pounds without those walks.
Keep your bodies moving, everyone– online work can make you sedentary FAST!!
You bring up an excellent point, Kate. We never outsource what we love to do ourselves, especially in our personal lives.
I’m in.
Welcome aboard, Jeff. Tell us something about your online business.
When you’re talking productivity, you’re speaking my language! Plus I couldn’t see so many friends here without wanting to join in.
I’m an Internet Strategist who works with new and emerging Online Business owners, so I spend my days online.
I’ve been delegating for years and have a solid team in place. But there’s always room for expansion. So today I’ll be using my “Unravel your success strings” process to see where there are bottlenecks – then see if we can delegate them.
Welcome aboard, Jeanette!
Hi Connie, I’m the new kid on the block but always up for a challenge. I’m just starting today.
I serve mid-lifers, starting over. I w have my daughter help w research and personal tasks.
I look forward to the 30 day challenge. Ebony
I hope your daughter is getting paid. The best helpers are those who think of the work they perform as a job. They will take more responsibility in the long run.
Yes, I understand that. She is getting paid.
Hi Connie, I’m definitely in. Do you mind it I pass this on to some others as well?
Welcome aboard, Shelly! Please do share with as many people as you’d like.
I’m a day late, but hopefully not a dollar short! I’ll play catch-up 🙂
Thanks for letting me know about the Challenge, Connie. Looking forward to inspiration from you.
Great to have you aboard, Teresa. It will only take fifteen minutes to catch up to today’s lesson.
Definitely count me in with other the other wonderful people who have left comments.
Forgot to follow the rest of your instructions.
I am a writer and connection curator fascinated with all things having to do with the power of connection. I serve small business owners with a blog and services at RiverwoodWriter, teaching how to use social media and other tools to connect effectively with prospects and clients.
At Heartspoken, I write about more personal areas of connection (with Self, with God, with Others, and with Nature). I’m trying to revive the art of personal note and letter writing and am writing a book with that goal in mind.
So wonderful to have you as part of the group, Elizabeth!
Hi Elizabeth- good to hear from you.
I´m in!!! thank you!
Welcome, Claudia!
This is great discipline for me. Thanks for offering it Connie!
Day 1: I have some blogs I’ve been studying for a while so will take a closer look to fulfill this.
Day 2: The only person I have to delegate to is my webmaster. I’ll be working on getting up a site soon with an interesting giveaway. Will have to keep the delegation idea for a time when the right people enter my life. So, my spidey senses are primed for this…
Excellent, Moreen. Remember that this is a business, so you will need to actively seek out people to help you.
Oops, just realized I need to tell you something about me. Here goes:
I’m a professional organizer easing out of doing the hands-on work with clients and building an on-line business related to this field. I’m also an author, most recently of Going Forward: Downsizing, Moving and Settling In.
Oops, I didn’t tell you about me.
I’m a professional organizer easing out of hands-on work with clients and easing into an online business using this knowledge. I’m also an author of two books.
Hi Connie,
I would like to be part of the 21 day challenge. I am currently spending my time on the Amazing Money machine and Ryan Deiss’ new program ROI. I want to be making money online this month (APRIL).
Read this post carefully. This year it’s a 30 day challenge. What are you doing each day to ensure that you will earn money in your business?
Following your advice I’ve set up an opt in page at do you have any advice for improving it?
I have numerous places where people can opt in to my list. I soon will need to delegate for the purpose of creating a page like the one you gave in your example, Connie. Can’t I make one like that from the WordPress site I already have created? I have tried and haven’t been able to pull it off.
Anyway here is an example:
Thanks, Connie!!
For Day 3: Remember that this type of an opt in page is not connected to your blog or other site. It should be on its own domain, preferably a dot com, and only offer two options to visitors; to opt in to your list or to leave the page completely.
My problem is I haven’t a clue as to how to proceed. And I don’t want to hire anyone at this point until I have a clear idea what I am giving away!!
I’ve got at least two – (needs some tweaking!)
How critical is a separate domain? I’ve seen
people doing this both ways.
I currently have 3 websites that have optin pages with another in the works. The one I’ll mention here is
I’m finding that the list building is VERY slow. I don’t have a lot of traffic to my sites despite all the SEO etc. so that’s a huge challenge for me.
Yes, this is exactly what I’m talking about with the opt in page on a separate domain.
We’ll spend time on what it takes to grow your list over the next couple of weeks.
Thank you for sharing this. It is helping me make the process make sense for me. I signed up for your free report and then signed up with the same email address through your website for your newsletter. It looks like they are different lists.
I have to go out right now, but I am going to investigate your site and opt-ins more when I come home. I also am going to forward your pages to one of my clients that I think would love your information. Though you are in Canada and I am in Florida, your specialty aligns with my niche clients’ needs and I look forward to sharing you with them!
Here’s one I’ve had for awhile, but I will work on getting another, soon. This one has worked for about 7
This site is very ‘turn of the century’, Kate. Update it to today’s standards and your list will grow exponentially. It can be done from within WordPress, or with html. Use the root domain to give yourself more leverage overall.
Thanks, Connie. The question is, which century? Haha! This is going to be fun!!
Hello Connie
Thanks for the opportunity to share and join the challenge! I’ve recently started my business and I am learning everyday! My goal is to help small business owners execute their marketing programs and to also create a practical Smallbiz Tool Kit with templates.
Here is my optin page http://www.smallbizmarketingconsultant com/featuring-now
Hey, Connie and everyone,
Got the opt-box on all my sites. And here’s the opt-in page that is a separate page/domain:
Thanks so much for sharing. I’m going to check out some of the other opt-ins given in the comments here.
Hi Connie,
So far, I have one site up:
I will be working on my second site later this month. Thanks for all the great information Connie!
Great ideas so far. I am freelance writing health articles, working on stories for children, and writing articles and patterns for quilters. I need to be more productive in the areas that can help monetize my efforts.
Hi Connie-
Thanks for the opportunity to participate. I will play catch up since you didn’t get my post yesterday.
I am doing the challenge together with my daughter who will be graduating college next month with a business/marketing degree and is interested in owning her own business. She has had 2 internships including a social media one with Gary Vaynerchuk’s Vaynermedia in NYC.
Our plan is to grow our local marketing client base and do affiliate marketing as well. There are some very good (real) leaders to follow and it’s an exciting time to be in this industry.
Part of our delegation plan is to split tasks and turns out we like and are good at different things. Also I have found both a writer and a transcriber that I use on a regular basis. We will look at more options to outsource as well.
I am expanding my list of internet marketing websites and will continue to comment on them on a regular basis.
On to Day #3.
Count me late, but in 🙂
Here is an opt-in page I have for social media content:
Adding an opt-in to the blog as well.
Good morning everyone! Yesterday, I got a job to put a book up on Kindle. The author recently committed suicide, but his community of loving friends want to read what essentially is his autobiography. They will pay me. So I will proof it and format it for kindle.
I have 2 books of my own that I am consistently promoting, both kindle and print on demand formats. Two more are on the way.
Am still working on a stand alone opt in page. Learning as I go!!
What a wonderful service you’re offering this family, Kate! Cudos to you.
Hi Morreen, Great seeing you here!! Waving hello!!
Waving back Kate. We seem to cross paths often. It’s great to know you online!
I’ve been offering online marketing services to offline businesses: websites, mobile sites and content creation. Had some success but need to spread the word more.
Day 4: Offering these services is a big hole in my business. I don’t know where to start or find clients that match my skills. The list Connie provided is outside my expertise. Any more ideas–anyone?
Hi, Moreen,
If the areas Connie recommended don’t fit your particular interests, talents, training, or skill, then sit down and make a list of the things you like to do and are good at. I’ll bet you come up with some sort of service or product you could offer others. You just might need to think outside the box.
Yes, but remember that we want to hone our skills in areas related to online business. Later on you will outsource these tasks and activities to others, and this is an excellent way to earn money online. For example, I earn $65 when someone signs up for hosting. I now pay others $50 of that to do the complete custom setup, and the other $15 is passive income for me.
Thanks for your suggestions Suzanne and Connie.
My area of expertise is organizing people and their stuff, and I’m working toward moving that online. In fact, I’ve registered for a teleseminar next week to concretize this.
In addition, I have a few affiliates in my niche that I promote and hope (expect??) them to become profitable soon.
Count me in! Thanks – roger
Welcome aboard, Roger!
Huge success yesterday in terms of productivity! I hired a new VA. Been looking for awhile and hadn’t quite connected to the right person. This woman is skilled, able and also the chemistry is there. I realized for me- this part is important because I actually need a manager- someone who can keep track of what needs to be done in the technical world and does it. I have the brains to do what needs to be done- but I don’t enjoy it and it causes me stress and slows me down as a result.
Hi Connie-
I’m in… looks like 12hr days for me until I get Leaner Ladies™ moving at warp speed! I will try to do 1-4 of the challenges later today, but just put together & announced my first Free Weekend Weight Loss Challenge. You can find it and participate at I am going to do them the first weekend of each month to get people to go to my website blog & comment.
Thanks for your mentoring!
Lisa M Pepe
Weight Loss Coach
I’m in, but I’ll have to play a little catch-up since I also work full-time.
Day 1: Visiting blogs in my niche – I’ll work on this on the weekend.
Day2: Delegating – well I have been discussing this with my daughter & son, but need to get them on a schedule. Sometimes we feel it’s just quicker to do it ourselves, but in reality the little time it takes to show someone else is worth so much more in the long run.
Day 3: List Building – I dabbled in this a couple years ago and got a few signups. But then just didn’t’ followup. This year I’ve started a free daily recipe optin and again only have a few optins so far, but looking forward to it building up. I do need to change my optin box to include the word free recipes, since it does not currently say that, so that may be why others haven’t signed up. It’s at
Day 4: My earnings, though meager right now, is through affiliate marketing and adsense.
I (we I’m working with my adult children on their sites) have several sites up, but again not really making anything yet.
Looking forward to the 30 day productivity challenge.
Welcome to the Productivity Challenge, Terrie! Thanks so much for sharing.
Hi connie,
I am from India and I would like to take part in this challenge
A book I love to read over and over is Bob Burg ‘the Go Giver’ He’s also got another good one called ‘Go Givers Sell More’. I love his approach that the secret to success is giving. I’ve only known you ‘online’ for a few weeks Connie but in that time I’ve seen you put this into practice many times. Thank you
Just want to make sure you are getting my comments, I sent two in a few hours ago and have not seen them appear, so this is the last one before I look for a way to contact through email to make sure you have got me in the challenge. Sorry 🙂 Thanks for understanding 🙂
Welcome, Keyria. I hold all comments from new visitors until I can read them, and I was sound asleep when your comment came through. I did not approve your comment that was several hundred words in length because that is just too long for this thread. Thanks so much for joining the Productivity Challenge this year.
Thank you Connie, I found out when I sent the first two comments I added three links in the website box above and it did not say anything, so I shortened it to one link and it said comments are waiting for moderation 🙂 So I knew I did the first two wrong. Do I need to redo the long one to make it shorter?
Over the years, I’ve invested in many online courses. I am a member of Nams and just got a $97 Nams workshop for free, just by filling out a survey.
I’ve taken D’vorah Lansky’s writing workshops, and we’ve become good friends. Connie, your recent offering of a Create Space formatting course looks interesting, and I will pick up a copy later today.
I am also enrolled in a Kindle formatting/ Kindle author community, as well.
I regularly study how to promote my books.
The list goes on, but I am busy every moment of my day.
Day 5:
I’m an information junkie, so am always taking courses. Among the ones that have been valuable to me over the past while are:
– This one, of course
– Connie’s 10K Laser Coaching—I’m a “fly on the wall”
– D’vorah Lansky’s Virtual Book Tours and Teleseminars Made Easy
– I’m a lifetime member of NAMS, use that material and attend on-line events whenever possible
– And more…
What I need to do is implement the learning so it becomes income-generating. And from yesterday’s challenge, you will know this isn’t working for me yet. I’m still trying to figure out that one.
I see that several of you consider your NAMS membership to be a valuable one for continuing business education. I agree completely, and urge you to come aboard at if you haven’t already. I’ll be speaking there again in August, and if you are a part of this challenge you are welcome to join me for my ‘Day Before’ training on August 8, 2013.
Regarding attending events- I am going to an event next week in Vancouver BC. The biggest thing that holds me back in my success is my mindset. Of course, this is also what I teach people about. lol! I think this event will be excellent to help me get past my “not good enough,” old tapes and help me to use my energies more productively. When I’m on track it’s amazing what I can accomplish.
Day 5
I’m always taking courses, workshops, and attending conferences. Another thing I do is follow a few key people online who do what I want to do. I watch what they do and do some of these same things myself. It doesn’t cost anything to do this, and it’s an easy way to learn a lot if you’re observant.
I’m in.
Day One:
Blogs: Dennis Bullock Photography, Stephanie Friedman Photography, Twitching eye and since I disliked it, I did Alex Wise Photography.
I left comments on all but Twitching eye. And I emailed each photographer 🙂 Common: Bios, Galleries, media links.
Different: different forms of photography, different pricing ways, different styles of websites.
On one the twitter did not send me to twitter (I informed the person)
Dislikes: One you had to back track to get to certain pages, would be nice to link them, Also some of the words were misleading, I did not like some of the requirements for commenting and it became a hassle. Twitching Eye like name but it was to small to read and the profile picture was not proper so they lost a potential follower.
Likes: Most had it to where you could not copy the pictures! Liked Dennis simplicity, Stephanie’s cuteness, and LOVED Alex information and his artwork. Plus more. I can give a detail report in email if needed. Tried to make this short.
Day Two:
Delegating and Outsourcing. Three ways I can do so is Mainly by Bartering services I think.
I can barter my Photography service for a PLR that I can rewrite and use on my site
I can barter my Photography service for a maid hahaha, No really maybe someone who can update my pictures on to social media for me or update them onto other things
I can trade pictures for services, items or even sell the pictures if need be.
I have volunteers that help me with websites, and items.
I can give discounts, or trade services for discounts or services.
Day 3: List building
To be honest I do not know how to do this nor do I have this. I do have:
A like button on my store (please note I am still struggling on this and making it successful. I have not sold very much.).
I have a comment button on my webpage:
And I have a like button on my Facebook page:
Other thank that I am not sure how to do the list so I am going to study up on it and see if I can get it done. I am not sure what I can offer as of right now… maybe a inspirational picture of the week?
You MUST have a WordPress site you own and control, and use an optin form to collect names and email addresses. See Day 4 on how I will set this up for you.
Day 4: Earning money Right now
As of right now to be honest I am not earning. I know I mentioned a store above but since I have started that store I have had maybe one small purchase each year. So That to me does not bring me a income home. I do have adsense on a website but I think we had a problem setting it up so, I have to resign up or figure out what happened.
What can I do to make money? Besides sell my items at home… I can rewrite PLR’s if I can motivate myself with a good passion. However, my writing er editing…punctuation is not the best. However, I do think my writing is decent. Most people like my short stories, so I could sale short stories through kindle aka Amazon or ebooks. I am learning podcasting so I might be able to sell them on podcasting as well. Which then leads to How to books, ebooks, and videos/podcasting. I can do that with social media, webpages, and photography. I can also set up social media for others and some webpages for others. I can also work with others on helping them set up a webpage or social media so basically not do it myself but be part of a team. Give ideas! I am still working on my store, trying to figure a way to be more successful at it. Even webinars would be good.
Day 5: Favorite books.
When I hear favorite books my mind automatically goes to favorite authors like Robin Jones Gunn, Dr. Seuss, Mark Twain and Martha Bolton. But the only one out of all of them that really did a small article on photography was Martha Bolton. It is my favorite article because it is humorous and relatable.
To me everyone should have one Technical book on what their passion is so photography dictionary with everything in it, and one FUN book. A fun new way of doing your passion, that is not only fun but relatable.
I like to read that others are like me and have made the same mistakes that I have made and how they overcame them. I like to laugh and say oh I did that too, oh so that is how you do it. Not go find it and have huge words that most of us have to grab another book… THE DICTIONARY to understand. The last book someone should have is one that they can write in. There own notes, humor stories, tips, ideas, and more.
Great thing about books though is that you can find them everywhere. You can find regular books in libraries that you can go read, some stores offer chairs now for you to sit in and read, borrow from friends and family, ebooks, audio books, books on devices such as kindle and ipods, websites even offer blogs, books, and articles. Magazines, webinars, live events and conferences, Expos, mentors and volunteering all ways to learn more.
Focus on books that can help you to become a successful entrepreneur.
I appreciate you joining this challenge and know that it will help you to get on track.
During this 30 day period, focus on following what I am recommending on each day.
I created a stand-alone opt in site yesterday and am waiting for it to go live. I made it w “Weebly.” I tried several others before finding Weebly and remembered it comes highly recommended by a few of my Squidoo friends.
When it appears, I will share it!
Weebly is not a site you own and control, so it does not meet the criteria for what I’m looking for here.
Hi Connie,
I’ve been part of a blogging challenge for the past few weeks, which has helped me get more posts on my blog and get more focused on what I want to share. That challenge is almost over, so this one is timely.
I guess I missed your FB post when this started, and I find it ironic that I did see it today–on my birthday. My FB birthday status for today says:
Today is my birthday. With each passing year I don’t regret the things I didn’t do for myself or the things I wanted to accomplish and didn’t.
What I regret the most is the things I didn’t do for others.
By not blogging in the past or sharing what I find/learn/do I have not been serving others very well. I was worried about me and finding my path when I should have been focused more on helping others find theirs.
Participating in these types of challenges is not only beneficial for us as the participant, but also for our readers and followers.
So far, the only day of your challenge that I haven’t done is the outsourcing, but I seem to be up to par on the other day’s task. Yay!
First of all, happy birthday to you, Patti!
Thanks for joining the Productivity Challenge. I originated the Blog Challenges back in 2009, but let go of them when I saw my own students not earning any more money 30 days later. This is the third year of this challenge, and those who stick with it do extremely well with having a joyful, focused, and lucrative business they they run from anywhere in the world.
Good morning everyone. I feel like I have died and gone to heaven with my new VA! I gave her the job to set up a new site for me next week with Optimized Press. Doing the copy and free report will be the easy part for me. I am writing a new blog post this morning and want to invite anyone to come over and leave comments on my blog. Its tips on how to monetize your passion and expertise- for solopreneurs. Begins with shifting your mindset, help on marketing and more.
So glad your new VA is working out for you!
Hi Kaya,
Thanks for suggesting we go over to your blog! I enjoyed reading what you said and left a comment. Keep up the good work!
Day 6:
I now have 3 sites on WordPress and 2 more coming in the next week or so, depending how fast my webmaster gets them up. Of these 5 sites, 3 are stand-alone with a giveaway for opting in to grow my list. The other 2 are dedicated—one to my most recent book, and the other to my organizing business.
The current site with a giveaway for opting in and list building is I will be revising the giveaway in the next few days. More on that tomorrow.
About all these sites—I’m wondering about having so many stand-alone sites, and whether some could be incorporated into my dedicated sites when the content is compatible. E.g. subjects that are organizing related accessible through a dedicated page on my organizing site. Then if I do that, would I still use a landing page requiring opt-in to access the giveaway? Not sure about the logistics here.
I purchased Jason Fladlein’s “Measure my SEO” program (Editor’s Note: This is highly recommended and can be found at and will get that set up on all the sites to learn whether my keywords are actually working. Traffic to my 2 existing sites is less than outstanding, so I need to find out why. Don’t know if this fits here, but just letting you know I’m trying to be noticed on the Internet, so sales will flow from there.
I would suggest that you tell us what the free report is about for the site you have mentioned. Your free giveaway needs a compelling title if you want people to join your list. Great to see you taking action during this challenge!
The Report is titled “Easy Office and Paper Organizing” and is about how to organize one’s office (home of business)and control the paper that comes into office and home.
Is this what you’re looking for?
My problem is: how do I create a stand alone opt in pages on any one of these sites? I already am offering a free report on all of these sites, now.
Kate – the idea is to create stand alone optin pages on new domains; this will help you to reach more segments of your target market.
Count me in. Since the race has already started I’m going to be making tracks to catch up. My website is up: and has an optin box on it. No giveaway connected so that’s a good place to start. I’m trending away from straight online profit generation; however will continue to develop this site for income generation.
Building some consulting within the community with companies that want to build or jazz up their online presence. Will look at other ways to generate income as the lack of cash flow is what holds me back re outsourcing.
Glad to be here. Now off to check out other sites and see what I do about the list building projects.
Welcome aboard, Pat. Great to have you in the challenge this year. Thanks so much for sharing your sites.
Hi everyone. Just wanting to check in with my tribe! I have just completed the sales page for my first webinar! Yahoo. It will be easy after this as it was just the technical parts that hung me up and we have now got that sussed. This is the beginning of a huge shift in my business. I am a teacher and have done hundreds of teleclasses but this is much more of a stretch. “If I can do it, anyone can!”
My main site is at and my first squeeze page at Following on from your suggestion Connie I set up the squeeze page on its own domain.
Excellent work, Anne! Your sites are coming along very well.
Thank you Connie
Re Step #3: What email services are you recommending for multiple sites with opt-ins? A lot of the email services will charge by the list, not the subscriber, so if 1 person opts in for 5 freebies you now have 5 subscribers! Aweber, GetResponse and others work this way.
What you are bringing up is known as ‘majoring in the minors’. This means that we must not get caught up with and held back by the small details. I was earning six figures a year with only 651 people on my list. If our autoresponder costs double or triple, it’s just a part of doing business. I am not suggesting that we waste money needlessly, but I am saying that it is worth it to be able to build our businesses in a way that will earn us more revenue. Also, I have paid for all of my expenses by the year, instead of by the month, for several years now, and that alone saves quite a bit of money. Focus on the big picture instead of being caught up in the details.
You’re right … but don’t I get to be curious?! 😉
Hi Connie, I am in too! We moved a week ago and are just now getting settled. Didn’t have phone or internet for almost a week. But I’m ready to hit the ground running and your productivity challenge is a great way for me to get back on track. I am a psychotherapist who is trying to take what I do in the office -online- to reach more people.
Welcome aboard, Barb. It’s great to see you here.
Connie-I looked at your viral marketing site and notice that the opt in web form doesn’t look like a Nanacast form. Did you build this site with Optimized Press and is it also connected to your Nanacast account? I guess the question is- can I do that and use the cool webforms on OP and still link it to Nancast?
That form looks different because it is a part of the Marketers CMS Theme, available at
– AWeber set up and I have 2 lists there now, very small. One is just 14 names and the other is 80 names
– Autoresponder:
o I’ve been sending weekly organizing tips by autoresponder for a few months and it’s working well however the open rate is abysmal.
o To come: weekly organizing quotes but am unsure about this because of the low open rate for the weekly organizing tips.
o Plan to change opt-in giveaway on this site to a 5-part series about email overload (PLR)
Send this series to current lists and publicize on Facebook/Twitter to grow my list.
– http://EasyOfficeOrganizingcom:
o Change giveaway to:
remove cloaked links
Add links in text
Add 2 more relevant affiliates
Re Books –
I really liked these two:
The Click Moment: Seizing Opportunity in an Unpredictable World by Frans Johansson
I totally agree with their premise that success is about managing serendipity.
The Start-up of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career [Hardcover]
Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha
Reid Hoffman was a co-founder of LinkedIn. I’ve been getting more demand from the career side of my business and recommend this book to everyone. My favorite is the idea that,
“The old adage about “ready, aim, fire” has been supplanted with “aim, fire, aim, fire, aim, fire…”
This is exactly what I need right now Connie. Thank you so much… And looking forward to the days ahead.
Day Five:
I found this class online on how to start up a photography business, my mother signed me up. It has videos, worksheets and more… Focusing on books:
I think for me to be a strong entrepreneur the two big books would be:
“Start Your Own Photography Business” by Entrepreneur Press (Author), Charlene Davis (Author)
“Successful Self-Promotion for Photographers” by Elyse Weissberg (Author), Amanda Sosa Stone (Author)
The first book will tell me how to get the business up and running the second book tells me how to keep it going 🙂
Hey, gang,
Last week I set up a new site that goes along with my writing and my recent move (in January) to the beach. It’s at:
I’m starting to monetize this site. But, at the moment I’m posting a photo each day as a creative writing prompt since “writing prompts” and “creative writing prompts” get a lot of daily searches and competition is low for these keywords. I’ve also added an amazon store with all sort of fun beach stuff and there are attractive banner ads for beach stuff on the homepage, too. I’m going to be making a short introductory video for the site sometime this week – in fact, I’m thinking of putting a short video at all my sites including my opt-in page at
Eventually, I’d like to host a live event here at the beach called Write by the Sea. Everyone could come here – to a hotel or inn on the beach – for a weekend or even a week
long writer’s conference or a writer’s retreat.
Any comments or tips for writebythesea would be appreciated – as well as comments to the posts. If you like to write, try the daily prompts.
Okay, back to work. Thanks again for this daily challenge, Connie.
The new ‘Writing by the Sea’ site is beautiful, but very busy! I would suggest using fewer images on the front page, and having an opt in form so you can take advantage of the visitors that stop by once. Building a list will serve you well for years to come.
I also like your idea of having an event where you live. I have done this every other month in Santa Barbara for a year and a half, and it is an excellent way to connect with a small group of people on a deeper level.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Thanks, Connie. I do have an opt-in form on the site – it’s in the left corner under my photo. Maybe I should move it to the right top corner, though.
Now I see it! Yes, I would move it ‘above the fold’ so that visitors will see it quickly and easily.
I love your WritingByTheSea site Suzanne. I want to be there! The colors draw me in, and the sea shell frame is wonderful. I also like your Amazon store with beachy products. It all fits well.
As Connie mentioned, it is a bit busy, and with moving your opt-ion box, it will be more noticeable.
Looking forward to seeing the changes once you’ve done them!
I like the morning nudges and am taking you up on the opportunity to use them as inspiration. Photos are a good prompt. However, Connie has a good comment about them making the page look busy. Would it work for you to create a morning nudge tab strictly for the photos and inspirational bits. Connie, does that make sense to you?
Pat – yes, thanks makes complete sense – great idea!
I’ve written several short reports over the past few days to go alongside my opt in forms. I’m finding I love writing them. It’s great to be creative again!
I am looking forward to being a part of this challenge. I have a Social Media/Internet Marketing Virtual Assistant business.
Welcome aboard, Sheila! Do you have a site we may look at?
Hey, Connie! I’m a writer and speaker who strengthens families through self-esteem and simplicity. I’m just starting out (as in, still getting my website set up and thinking about what my free offer will be) so I’m very excited to “get crackin” and get these basics in place so I can move forward. I’m just joining your Challenge so I’ve got some catch up to do!
Thanks for doing this! I’m really looking forward to it!
Welcome to the Productivity Challenge, Holly. So great to have you as part of the group.
Hi Connie,
I can’t imagine how I missed this. I’m starting late, but I will do what I can. Thank you for hosting this.
I’m a Mom of 2 kids (ages 3 and 1) and I have another on the way. My husband is a student and a large portion of our income comes from my online business.
I’m a ghostwriter of romantic fiction. I create romance storyboards to help other romance writers (or those who want to write romance) so that they never run out of ideas.
I blog about Kindle publishing (such a wonderful opportunity!) and writing fiction.
I’m looking forward to this challenge because I’m in the process of up-scaling my business and you are someone I’d love to learn from.
Thanks again for hosting this.
What an interesting niche you are in! Thanks so much for joining the challenge this year.
Day 8:
Revised Easy Office Organizing Report and sent to webmaster to upload to http://EasyOfficeOrganizing. Once it’s ready to go, I’ll send the revision to all who have already subscribed. And will publicize it on social media so others have the opportunity to access it through the opt-in.
I’ll let you know when those other sites are up and ready for critique.
Now that this site will be updated, and the other two in the works, I think it’s time to work on a project that may be a Report or Kindle. Not sure which yet till I see how much material I have.
It has been almost a week since this challenge started so I have some catching up to do. I have focused on the make money online and health niches. The health niche because I have been a dentist in dental quality management for my job, am in the Hilton Health Coach training and have been practicing Chi Kung from our teacher from Shanghai for over 10 years.
I look forward to learn more as I catchup on the action items for the days so far.
Good thing I met Connie at an event in past; she guided me to join NAMS and go to the event in Atlanta recently and am starting to see how this works.
Kaz Takaki
Hi Connie, I’m All-In!
I’m a professional poker player and mindset coach. At 6’5 they call me “The Big Girl of Poker”.
I’ve taken my coaching to the virtual stage and been able to have a tremendous impact in people’s lives by sharing my MindShift™ Exercises. They are quick and easy for anyone to use and empower people to shift their mindset at a moment’s notice.
As I recall, I shared one of my MindShift™ Exercises with you when you were preparing for Armand’s Better Your Best contest.
I’m in the process of finishing my first book for Amazon about MindSet using poker as a metaphor for life.
I welcome this opportunity. Thank you!
Welcome aboard, Donna! Thank so much for being a part of this.
Yikes! I didn’t know about this. Not sure I can catch up. Anyone else starting a week behind?
You can do it, Judith! Lots of folks here to support you in getting caught up. I’m also hosting a teleseminar to discuss everything on April 15 – details to follow.
Thanks so much for joining in.
Re short reports for giveaways – Jim Edwards has a terrific 5-day course on this – no affiliate link when I last checked. It’s pretty intense (not for newbies!).
I am in. I need to regroup and work on my focus and discipline. These bite size steps will get me on the right path!
Hi Connie,
I have been lurking for a week and will try and catch up. You are absolutely amazing with the programs, podcasts, challenges, products and information that you offer. I have learned lots already.
Through PC Tutor Naples I have been helping clients one-on-one to strengthen their computer skills. I am always finding resources and fun links to suit their individual interests as well as giving them printed tutorials with screenshots and step by step instructions for the basics. I can quickly connect with people online as well as in person. I am looking to develop my website and my business so that I can reach, connect with and help more people.
Thanks a million for all you share – I don’t know how you do it!
Welcome aboard, Pam! So wonderful to have you here. The answer to how I am able to be so productive and accomplish so much is simple – I have been cloned!
Day 7 – I have had an aweber account for over a couple of years. I set up one autoresponder for a week of cooking early on but then never did anything after that. I received around 5 subscribers and again did nothing after they subscribed. My mistake.
This year I have made it a goal to build a list and am starting with my main website, so I am creating a years worth of daily recipes (Monday thru Friday) that readers can opt into. Again so far my list is quite small around 5 but it will grow. I still need to go back in and redo my opt in box so that folks know its a free subscription. My site is at
Hi Terrie,
I like your site. It’s clean and organized, and having the opt-in both at the top and bottom of the page is a good idea. With so much info there, a visitor may forget to scroll up after reading, so that’s covered with the duplicate opt-in.
1. do you offer a gluten-free option for recipes?
2. are the surveys only offered in the US?
Day 6: So I set up my new wordpress site:
However I want to change the theme around, I had a camera but it would not allow me to do pages, I then went to a Koi which I loved, but somehow I hit a wrong button and it ruined the format so now every time I try to get myself to the koi it ends up being a grey screen :(. I am not sure how to get it back to it’s original state.
Follow up I bought my domain name and hosting it through my mothers hosting.
Keyria, is a free platform and cannot be used to build your business.
Hi Connie, How are you. Yes I found that out so that is why I mentioned I got My domain name because I will be switching it over to that so it will no longer be wordpress. I just wanted you to know that I was trying 🙂 Thank for reminding me and responding 🙂
Day 7:
I am very excited my mother is going to come over and help me with Aweber in the next few days since she has already learned how to do this and is able to show me hands on 🙂
Day 8: My mother is also going to help me set up an auto responder, and I am getting my freebie which will be once a week and will be a inspirational photo 🙂
I am connecting this week with recruiters to partner with them. I am offering a free introductory webinar about how to show your best self in a Behavioural Interview.
This sounds exciting, Catherine. Please tell us where we can find out more.
Count me in…just getting started with affiliate marketing.
Glad to have you, Tom. Be sure to ask questions and share you site with the group.
Sent her by a friend…I think this is something that will help.
Welcome, Margaret. Great to have you in the group.
I need some input about opting in for a great giveaway versus opting in to receive automatic blog updates, if it’s an either/or situation.
Comments anyone?
I don’t know that most of us see the value in getting blog updates. Instead, we want to receive something that will help us to achieve our goals quickly. Can you see the difference?
Yes, I do see the difference, but I’m looking for ways to increase traffic to my sites and thought the updates and potentially readers would help do that.
I send blog updates to my list as well as an article I have written every 2 weeks. These help my list get to know me and and they respond favoritely.
However, I do like your style, Connie, which also allows your fans to get to know you, as you introduce affiliate products to them and weave in stories in the process.
I want to learn to do this.
I have 2 books for sale and am about to release another in a series– but not until I listen and learn from Dvorah Lansky’s latest republishing Bootcamp.
I do have a free report I have written which my
Subscribers get when they opt in. I like writing reports and intend to write more of them.
Thanks everyone!!
Hello Connie,
Day 2: when you say “set up a new WordPress blog and add an optin page and thank you page” Do you mean an additional blog to your website blog?
Yes, you’ll want to use WordPress to set up additional opt in pages. I have about fifty of these set up. Note that each is on its own domain.
To add to what Connie said, just additional pages in your website blog (if you’re already using wordpress). Be sure to keep the ‘Thank You’ page hidden from your navigation bar. It’s only for those who sign the opt-in form.
Hope this helps.
That’s not at all what I mean. Each new opt in page is on its own domain.
Connie, I was a little confused about the opt-in and thank you pages as well. Can you give us a step-by-step of what that looks like and how it ties in with the auto-responder (or maybe a graphic of the connections)? For instance when I type in I am taken to the Productivity Challenge website. When I click on the Home button I am still on but it looks like your blog home page. Right now I am leaving this comment on
This is where I am losing the connection in my mind as to what lives where and at what point it is being re-directed.
Thank you so much Connie for your ability to break a complex concept down to understandable pieces. You make learning very stress free (and you help me understand my client’s learning process and help me better serve them). Pam
We are talking about two different things here, and I will go into greater detail about this on our call next week. The domain I purchased to forward to this post – – is simply to make it easier for people to find this post over time and to remember where it is.
When you set up a new page you will also create a new autoresponder in your account. That way you will know where people opted in and what they are expecting to receive from you. This is an advanced strategy, so start with one site where visitors may join your list for now.
Thanks! I’m learning so much here, I appreciate it.
You are most welcome – the discussion is always better with more people participating!
Hello Sharon,
thank you for your information.
I think the reason we should have an optin-form on a special wordpress blog is to avoid having the usual information on the website-blogs we have, especially in the bars, right and left. This information distracts the reader and they may end up not signing up.
But if it is´s a problem putting up another blog for the opt-in, I think a page
would be better than nothing.
Wish you all the best during this challenge.
Hi Connie,
I’m tracking with you, really love the great success strategies you are sharing with us. Thank you!
I noticed that your Privacy Policy was created by AutoWebLaw. Would you still recommend this service, or is there another policy generator you prefer? I need to get these policies in place on my website.
Yes, I still use and recommend AutoWebLaw – – for all of your sites.
Day 2: Activities someone else can do for me:
– Keyword research
– article writing
– blog management
I was able to find 2 people to handle the first 2 and I’m still searching for someone I can trust with the 3rd. I don’t want to compromise quality, but I also need someone who’s affordable. (If anyone would like to apply, I’d appreciate it).
Day 3 & 4 I’ve already been implementing. I earn money from
-ghostwriting romantic fiction,
-creating storyboards from which others can write/build their stories from
-creating info products
I’m hoping to scale up my income-earning activities soon.
Now on to Day 5 … !
Thanks again, Connie.
Your blog is your ‘Home on the Internet’ so I recommend that you manage it yourself. The only thing I have someone else do is edit my posts.
I’ve been swinging from one end of the pendulum to another with that. Thanks for putting things into perspective.
Day 9:
1. (dedicated blog/website for my book Going Forward: Downsizing, Moving and Settling In) has links for places to purchase it
2. has links to purchase my book Let’s Get Organized: 172 tiplets to simplify life and e-book Christmas Workbook: how to create and plan a more meaningful Christmas. As well, this site has my contact info on it for prospects to hire me to do hands-on organizing work with them.
3. the Free Special Report titled Office and Paper Organizing (Revised) contains affiliate links to purchase products relevant to the topic as well as a link to my Amazon Author Page
Plus there are two more sites with giveaways that contain links to affiliate products and links to my Amazon Author Page. I’ll post the info about them when they’re live.
Out of curiosity, do you have to put Amazon on your Affiliate Disclaimer?
Yes, Amazon has its own set of requirements for affiliates. I do not teach that topic specifically, but will tell you that you must disclose everything you do in your online business, just as we must in a brick and mortar business.
Wouldn’t this be done when applying to be an Amazon Affiliate as part of their application process?
No – applying for an affiliate program is one thing; legally staying in compliance with FTC regulations is another. Read the fine print!
Day 10:
I like the value added of being able to download another product. This has me thinking about what I might offer to my TY pages and my mind is racing as I type. What do you think about PLR that doesn’t come with permission to rewrite? Of course, the quality of the original writing must be top-notch, I understand…
Challenges still to be met:
Reading three other blogs on your topic and making comments where appropriate—I’m working up to 3, reading and commenting when I see something (arriving in my in-box or on Facebook) that interests me in my niche.
Three tasks that can be delegated or outsourced to others, freeing up some additional time for you to work on your business—identified yes, delegated not yet due to budgetary constraints. (Although I do have a webmaster, sometimes VA, and use PLR that I purchase and rewrite. Not sure if this is enough to qualify for the three…)
Offering a service to others to earn some additional income—not sure what I can offer at the moment that fits with my expertise.
Spending thirty minutes daily reading books on business, success, and entrepreneurship—I’ve now scheduled time for this. (Starting with the book That’ll Never Work, Business Lessons from Successful Canadian Entrepreneurs)
Onwards and upwards…
Have been lurking for days now and time to get out of my shell. My website is and my free report “Three Simple Steps to Overcome Overwhelm” is there. I am just starting the online venture so I am up for review, critiques, and suggestions. My mission is to help women entrepreneurs that are frenzied, overwhelmed, overworked, and struggling to be mentally and physically “present” to develop healthier patterns that put them in a more productive and balanced place in their work and personal lives. It involves mindset, energy cycles, and processes/procedures/and systems for their business and personal lives.
Thanks for coming aboard! This is a safe haven to share and discuss what you need help with in your business.
Remember that we must opt in to our own lists using another email address. When I opt in to your list everything is fine until I receive the thank you email with the link for me to download your free report. That’s when I get an error message.
When I set it up, I did that and it worked for me. Will research and see if I can figure out how to correct it. Thank you for the heads up.
1. Found 3 blogs to follow and evaluate but would also like to find an affiliate marketer blog that markets products similar to services/products I eventually would like to create. 2. Delegating/outsourcing. Getting family to take over some chores. I very much dislike writing, so I have found someone to tweak and clean up what I do write. But think I may start doing audio or video blogging because I don’t seem to be as perfectionist about it. I hope to get this same person to do some of the research legwork done for me and provide some choices so I do not get bogged down in research mode.
3. I understand purchasing a dedicated domain for an opt-in or product, are their any places to get them that are more affordable than others? Connie, did I read on one of your sites that for 1 flat fee, was it BlueHost that covered unlimited sites? I liked the MarketerCMS that you promote, but is that considered a premium theme? Would FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. be other acceptable ways of having people join my list. Are they less preferred, not at all, or neutral?
Yes, is the company I recommend for hosting all of your sites. It’s a flat rate of less than a hundred dollars per year. You do not need a premium theme at this time, but take a look at to see what many of us use to set up our own sites quickly. You may ask people on social media to join your list, but the majority of them will not be your prospects.
4. Not sure what service I could provide “today” other than proofing/editing/tweaking content and formatting it. I am sure I could quickly figure out MarketerCMS theme and set up sites. Up for suggestions.
5. I am backlogged on programs that I have purchased that I am currently wading through. I think the last thing I checked out from the library was E-Myth. In Ryan Deiss Authority ROI at the moment.
6. Need to work on About Me page, Resources Page, and Product page (as soon as there are products to put on there )
7. Aweber is set up but need to understand it better and need to work on a follow up series of emails to the opt-in.
I’m in awe of how effective and consistent you are with your regular email messages to those on your list. This is something I need to focus on more. I send The Morning Nudge each day, but every time I send additional emails out during the week I make more money. I’m pretty picky about what I promote to my list, though, and it takes time (and often money) to become familiar with products and services I wish to promote. But thanks so much for all the great info. here. You really are providing a blueprint for everyone.
Thanks for your comment. I do spend lots of time and money choosing the right affiliate products to promote, as well as lots of time and effort creating my own products and courses. It comes back to you 100 fold when you are picky and only want the best for your people.
Hi Connie–Here is my “Meet Kate” page!
Connie, both your pages closely match your persona!
Thanks to all.
My About pages:
Hi Connie–I do reach out to those I buy from, but realize I can do more. Thank you.
My About page:
After working with some people, and some new information on how our habits are formed, I am wanting to create a new product that is a “fat loss fast start” program that uses the material I already have along with some new info. The new product will streamline the start of your fat loss journey. I have a URL, but as far as a membership site for the new product…. If CBA will have a membership site, would I strive for two membership sites for the same niche?
Thanks Connie,
Perfect timing. One of the blogs I’ve been commenting on invites submission of guest blog posts. That’s how I’ve been spending my afternoon…writing my first guest blog post!
Connie – geez almost missed this!!
I’m starting late, but I will do the best I can to catch up.
Thank you for hosting this.I’m in!
Looking forward to get going even though
i’m still working on the Week-End Marketer program.
I help entrepreneurs and small business owners gain more visibility on the web to
increase branding,exposure,traffic and leads via social media. (Local Business Consulting)
But I find it hard to do coaching one-on-one and work with company staff as it eats the hours.
Very time consuming and takes a lot of energy!
I feel I could help much more people if I could templatize my knowledge and package it for digital
My niche market is all about Topical Stamp Collecting
My goal is to build a list in both these areas and to cater to their needs with excelllence.
Thanks for your great support for online entrepreneurs!
Untilk next, take care and all the very best,
Janice Dugas
Welcome aboard, Janice! Wonderful to have you as a part of the group.
Days 15 and 16 have given me some ideas. I’ve done teleclasses for several years so I have LOTS of recordings. I’m going to turn one of those into a new product. I suppose I could take several of those recordings and turn them into a member site. Hmm…lots to think about.
Thanks, Connie.
Hi Connie–
Tell us about your experience with MyNams, another wonderful forum.
Hi Connie,
I just listened to the recording of yesterday’s Productivity Challenge teleseminar – very helpful!
What tool or service do you use to create the image of your Special Report shown on the site?
Thanks for all the great information!
Fulfilling a challenge from a few days ago: my teleseminar titled Office Organizing will be presented on Tuesday, April 23 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern. Register here:
Excellent, Moreen! That link isn’t working right now, so please be sure to let us know when we may sign up.
That’s odd. It works for me. Is anyone else having a problem with it? It should be live.
Working now!
Connie, is there a way to use Pretty Link Lite outside WordPress? Or would I have to paste my link there to shorten it? (I’ve done this for shorter links to blogs, but the title is already thiere.)
No, Pretty Link is a WordPress plugin, so it does not work unless you’re using WordPress.
Make sure to let us know when that link is working so we may sign up for your teleseminar.
That’s why I went to a paid link cloaker initially. Are there other free cloakers/shorteners available?
Hello, Connie. Thank you for the invite to your Productivity Challenge. What good timing. I’ve already started being productive since April 1 by getting my company, AA-1 Designs, involved with SBA’s Entrepreneur Mentor Month. On April 23 I will be a guest speaker on their panel. By the way, did you know April 21-27 is Volunteer Week? So it all fits.
I have been in the home-based business industry for 30 years. I began this company in 2008. In 2009 I invested in a $500.00, 3-day workshop on developing my business and learning something about myself personally and professionally. Since 2008, I’ve conducted at least 15 fundraisers for local and national non-profits. In 2010 I began an e-zine. In 2011 I learned about being a referral source for other small business owners. I also got more involved in community collaborations and affiliations. Then March 26, 2012, the Business and Professional Women’s Club/North to the Future Chapter (BPW/NTTF) selected me as their Entrepreneur of the Year Award. That experience left me feeling humbled and grateful at the same time. That’s why I decided it was time to give back.
I also volunteer in my community when I’m not working. In 2002 I was inducted into the Athena Society, a program through the Chamber of Commerce on the city level, throughout the nation. I highly recommend anyone in business of any kind, who volunteers in their community and, a very big component, who mentors other women get themselves nominated into this great “recognition of women.” Basically, that’s all it is – You’re recognized for all the wonderful things you’ve done over the years, and you’re not expected to do anything.
Since 2009 I have been a grief facilitator for Hospice. I have learned to use this skill as a free service for my clients. It turns out that after my clients and I get to know each other and they feel more comfortable with me, they confide in me about their ailing parents, deaths in the family, and their own issues. I use this skill for my business to show how my company is different from others and as a benefit to partner up with AA-1 Designs. I am proud that people see my company as a one-more safe place in the community to talk.
The main product I sell is containers for organizing office desk tops and closets with quality designs. It’s a lot of fun, I meet a wide diversified people, learn a great deal, and still enjoy my community and family. It’s the best of all worlds. However, I’m still learning to just do, not just learn, and now I’m learning to be more productive. Oh, and I’m learning how to use Pinterest. So there’s always time and room to grow.
Thank you for your time in reading this long comment. Take care. Happy Spring from Alaska! Rosella Young, AA-1 Designs, Invest in yourself!
Hi Connie
help! Playing catch up on the productivity challenge today. Your voice has been ringing in my head recently about focusing on one thing. It’s been so hard to do since I’ve always had so many different interests! I decided to put the blinkers on though and shelve a lot of projects that are distracting me and focus on just one area that locally I’m known for. It’s not been easy!!! I have a webinar scheduled for wednesday evening. Feeling very nervous about it! Reaching out to other people as in Day 21 is also a hard one for me. You are definitely getting me out of my comfort zone! thanks Connie
Hi Connie,
At your suggestion to have a domain just for the affiliate products like your I was able to get . I am confused as to exactly how to use it though! Can you point me in the direction to a tutorial on how it works if it is too long to post here?
Thanks Connie, I have learned so much from you and the people you recommend.
Day 25: I use to back up my computer. I like that my data is somewhere physical and should there be a disaster, I can reload everything. I set the backups to run several times a day, so not much would be missing if something happened like your event, Connie. There is a small fee for the service.
P.S. I have used Dropbox but am not comfortable with it. Maybe I just need to use it more?
I am just starting the program — went back to 2011, reviewing 2012 and just found 2013. A touch overwhelming at this time. I know where I want to go and I trust that this will help!
Welcome, Tom. You can achieve your online goals, and this will most certainly be helpful to you.
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Dennis Becker’s Earn 1K Seminar
Hi Connie,
I know it’s 2014 but I need to do this 30 day challenge. This is day 1 and I’m going to report in regularly to keep you up to date with my progress.
I know a lot of different things about marketing and whatnot but I need the structure of this challenge to keep me on target to what I want to achieve. Enough learning and start doing is my motto. Right now I’m also committing to staying off of things that don’t do much other than to suck up all of my time. Facebook and email are important but I’m doing my best not to check those until I’m done with my work for the day. Unless of course there is something really important that I need to find out about.
Anyway, enough rambling. You’re one of the people I definitely admire and so I’m putting you down as one of the blogs/bloggers that I’m connecting with for the challenge today.
Oh, one more thing. I do have a site that I totally redesigned. There’s very little content on it but I’ll be using this challenge to change that.
Thanks Connie!
P.S. I do have some of the items already set up for the challenge like my free giveaway, optin box on my site, etc.
So glad you are challenging yourself with this. I’ve just followed you on Twitter so you can let me know how it’s going.
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Is Blogging a Challenge for You?
Day 2 – This one was easy Connie. I have two people that I will be outsourcing to. They are my two teenagers. lol. These are the tasks that I plan on training them to do:
Task 1: Post my blog write ups on my site
Task 2: Schedule HootSuite Posts
Task 3: Comment on other blogs.
The other day I had my son do a bunch of the work for me on getting signed up with various sites on SocialAdr. He did a great job and I think he really enjoyed it.
I don’t know if anyone feels this way or not, but the thought of outsourcing (even to my own kids) made me kind of nervous. I thought, oh man, now I’m going to have to train them, etc. Then I reminded myself that I can start small. The tasks don’t have to be gargantuan. Once they master the small stuff then we can move on to bigger things.
Have a great day Connie!
Candace Chira recently posted…My First Blog Post of the Year!
It’s technically day 4 of the challenge for me but I’m still on day 3 due to my laptop having to go in for a new part. I have my optin page set up and you can find it where I put my website address above. For some reason the commenting software wouldn’t let me share it here.
Thanks for letting me share my journey here Connie!
It’s me again. lol. I feel like I’m such a pest Connie but I have to continue to post about what I’m doing so that I stay focused. Today I completed Day 4 of the challenge and posted services that I’m offering. I also did another blog post. I can’t believe how focused I’m being. I feel like a parrot because I keep going around and saying that. Normally I keep a list of things to do and don’t get a whole lot done on it. Believe it or not, I’m ahead of schedule, have almost everything done on it and now have time to go and relax for the rest of the day. This is mind boggling to me. lol. Thanks so much for letting me share here Connie. You have no idea what a tremendous service you are providing me with your blogging/productivity challenge. Have a great day! And yes, I’ll be back tomorrow to report in. 🙂
Candace Chira recently posted…Happy Saturday!
Hi Connie,
I’m still plugging along with the blog challenge. Had some technical problems beyond my control but other than that I’m up to speed.
You mentioned how you have your links shared in 5000 places. I have to admit, that blows my mind.
Have a great day!
Candace Chira recently posted…Today’s Show is Being Rescheduled
This is so great, Connie. Jumping into the challenge a little late, but committed to following through. Thanks for sharing such helpful information. Keep up the great work!
Tim Wright recently posted…The Benefits of Smiling
Welcome aboard, Tim. So glad to have you in the group and taking advantage of this years Productivity Challenge.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Disruptive Innovation for Your Business: Online Marketing Tips Podcast