Writers write. That’s what I learned from a friend of mine who wanted to write back in the 1980’s. He always carried a notebook and a pen with him anywhere he went, and when someone would ask him what he was doing when he took it out to make some notes, he would answer them with those two words. I guess that had an impact on me, because now I do the exact same thing. And, as for my friend, he has gone on to write many things, including two non-fiction books, a mystery novel, and a screenplay. When he heard that I had become an author, he sent me a thoughtful card and a gift to commemorate the occasion.
If you want to write, you must start writing every single day. In 2007 I challenged myself to write one hundred articles during the following one hundred days. The first few days of this challenge were brutal, but once I got into the habit of writing it was wonderful. I believe it took about a month for this to happen, so if you are willing to spend an hour each day for the next thirty days, you, too, can become a writer.
Once I made the decision to publish books on a variety of topics, I went from writing an article each day, which is about four hundred words, to writing about one thousand words each day. These are typically sections of the book I am currently working on, but this may also include short articles to be submitted to the directories, blog posts, short reports, and eBooks. Everything I write will be eventually repurposed into another format, so it’s almost as though as get two or three times the value of everything I am writing about. You can do the same exact thing to increase your writing productivity.
Make the decision to incorporate writing into your daily life and business. Choose topics that you will be able to write about easily, making it more fun to do. Then get serious about writing and publishing so that you will soon become an author and an expert in your field. Remember that the word author comes from the word authority, so this can be an amazing way to change your life forever.
You will find that opportunities will present themselves in a way you never could have imagined, once you take the step to becoming a published author.
Great post Connie, I have always seemed to struggle with writing each day. I tend to “find” other things to do instead.
I will follow your suggestion and just buckle down and write each day.
Thanks again.