As you know by now, I am in the middle of a challenge with Alex Mandossian to build my list by the end of October. I will share with you how I have been able to do this, but that will be for another time when I can share many things with you to help you build your own list. For … [Read more...]
Alex Mandossian And The List Building Challenge
I am now 30% of the way to meeting my list building challenge. Alex Mandossian knew it was a lot to ask, but he also believes in me. When I told him I had an incredible group of people on my list, he challenged me to increase that number of people by asking my list for help. I … [Read more...]
Alex Mandossian Has Challenged Me And You Can Help
I had the opportunity to speak with Alex Mandossian this evening. He has challenged me to double my list by the end of October. I told him I was up to the challenge, but wanted to know how my current list would benefit. When I double my list Alex will do a call with me for all … [Read more...]
How Alex Mandossian and Teleseminars Have Changed My Online Business
It is almost that time of year again. No, I am not referring to the change in the weather, kids being back in school, or the upcoming holiday season. The time of year I mean is called teleseminar season. At this time one year ago my online business was struggling. I was working … [Read more...]
How I Promoted Alex Mandossian and Came in 5th In His Affiliate Contest
Last year I took part in Alex Mandossian's Teleseminar Secrets course. It literally changed my business overnight and brought me prospects and clients from around the world. Alex just sent out his list top ten affiliates for his current program, and I was #5 on this list. Join me … [Read more...]