Today is the 30th day of our 30 day blogging challenge. I’ve hosted these challenges twice before, but this one was very special and took on a life of its own. This was not because of anything I did differently this time, but because of the people who decided to particpate in the challenge. To all of you, a heartfelt thank you. I’ll be writing a special post to include the names of everyone who completed the challenge, along with a link to everyone’s blog.
So what’s next? It seems like such a shame to just let the challenge and the people involved fade away, so I’m here to tell you that it does not have to be that way. I thought it would be a great idea to turn the challenge over to the person who has helped me most on the Internet. That would Dr. Jeanette Cates, of course, without whom I would not have achieved the success I am now enjoying.
Jeanette and I are definitely the odd couple of online marketing. She is a product creation machine who does not have fun with the marketing piece. In contrast, I create products slowly and consider myself to be a marketing madwoman. It is a business-friendship match made in Internet Heaven. Together we have taught three courses and held one live event. Separately, we have each built online empires that reflect our individual goals and personalities.
I encourage you to visit Jeanette’s blog and leave a comment. Let her know what you would like to see during this next challenge, which will run from June 1st through June 30th. This gives us all a couple of weeks to step back and assess our results. Remember that Jeanette has been online for many years and has many more ideas than I do. This is an opportunity to learn from one of the most powerful women currently working on the Internet. Let’s see what she will cook up during our 30 days together.
Let’s keep our community of bloggers together, and strive for more success than we can possibly imagine. See ‘ya at the next #blog30 (we’re keeping the same hashtag), and may we all stay connected forever!
I know I speak for all of us in the Challenge (although I know they will also speak for themselves as soon as they get up) and thank you for the love, comfort, support and guidance you give us, not only during the blog challenge but at all times during our online lives (no matter how long we’ve known you). This past month has brought us all together and I have made many “friends” whom I will cherish and I have learned an amazing amount about being online!
Thank you for all you do for us Connie. You are a blessing.
There are a number of great benefits that I have experienced as part of the 30 day blog challenge. Besides the daily writing skills I have developed, I too have enjoyed meeting new blogging friends and feel like I am more a part of a community online. Also my twitter skills have gone from zero to at least a daily post sometimes even two! THANKS so much for all your help and support- Kris
Thanks for creating this great process for me to learn, connect, be inspired and prove to myself that I could do it. For years I have referred to myself as “A Mood Writer”. I write when I am in the mood :). I knew that this would have to change if I was going to promote my business online. The old brochure website is just not cutting it anymore.
I have found a rhythm and a discipline that will allow me to keep my blog content current and will also allow me to venture into the world of info product marketing.
Thanks again Connie for your vision, support and gentle push. The 30 Day Blogging Challenging was just what I needed to initiate the march to the next level in my business.
Oh nooooo. How did it get over? Well, that may seem a silly question. I thought it ended tomorrow. Regardless, I could see the benefit and I appreciate your “push.”
Glad to know we’re keeping the same hashtag and I think I forgot to put my site here and to tell you I’m committed to the next challenge
Thanks so much Connie. I think you pulled drew in the right people at the right time and that made us all successful! I’m just happy to let my brain relax for just a tiny bit. I’m glad to see you and Jeannette are giving us the opportunity to keep up the momentum with a little break in between. I will be ready for June 1!
I finished the challenge and the URL is
A huge thank you to Connie for putting this all together and attracting such a wonderful bunch of bloggers. I’m so glad I said “yes” to the invitation! Great idea to do it again in June (and thanks for thinking of a breather in between) and I look forward to meeting Jeannette and learning from her. I completed the 30 day challenge — my blog URL is
Hey Connie! Thanks for hosting the challenge…I completed 30 posts in 30 days while deployed to Afghanistan. Can’t believe it myself, but I learned so much thanks to you.
Think I’m gonna have to skip the June challenge, though. I’ll be returning home and getting my new course off the ground as well as many other projects.
But I’ll definitely be ready for the next challenge! And may be in contact to see about a teleclass with you.
Check out my blog at Win Your Local Market.
Thank you Connie for another Blog 30 challenge. It has helped my writing even more and given me plenty of ideas for future posts. Yes, I will be in Jeanette’s challenge, but will start doing weekly Rockstar Guide Books posts until then.
You are an inspiration and I appreciate your positive influence
Thanks Connie, I look forward to continuing the conversation. 31 of 30 completed Sunday, almost 6pm in Chicago. Will aim for June. I’ve left Jeannette some suggestions already.
Bobbye Middendorf
The Write Synergies Guru
Connie – thanks again for organizing this challenge!
It was educational and fun. Best of all, I met some wonderful new friends!
Looking forward to the June 1 challenge.
Thank you, Connie. I’m so glad I finished! I’m learned a ton about making connections, and I need a whole lot more practice. I’ll be back for the next one. Here’s my URL:
Hi Connie,
I’m participating in your 30 Day challenge again, It’s been fun every time I’ve been a part of your 30 day challenges. I will be back for June also.
Ryan Cameron
Thanks so much Connie for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge! I’ve never participated in something like this before and I have a funny feeling that I’ll be back in June because I love having a goal/challenge to keep me honest!
I’ve just finished my final post & I’m just so proud of myself and of everyone who also participated. It’s been amazing to meet so many people that I otherwise never would’ve met so quickly and easily!
This has just been so amazing, so thank you again!
I loved every minute of this challenge!! I am forever changed because of the new amazing people I have met!! What an outstanding idea Connie!! I look forward to every event like this that you will be a part of and I will certainly join you in June. I have finished this blog clallenge and have completed 31 blog posts in 30 days!! Hooray!!
Congratulations to all of us!! Yay!!! Way to go!! Lets keep using #blog30 to keep in touch and promote each other.
Woops, forgot my URL, sorry… is my blog
Huge Thank you Connie for making this all possible and introducing us to each other!!
Connie – first, thank you for your wonderful words! We have indeed made a great team and I’m just thrilled we had that lunch in Chicago to kick it all off!
I am also flattered that you trust me with the Blog Challenge for June. It’s gonna be a ball. Everyone has been soooo great about posting ideas – I’ve been taking notes and have all sorts of fun things planned. Your leadership in creating and refining the Blog Challenge concept is a huge contribution you’ve made to the online community – and we thank you!
Thoroughly enjoyed participating in the challenge and feeling the momentum building every day! I’ve posted my “two cents worth” on Jeanette’s blog and looking forward to having more blogging fun and adventures in June!
Thank you for everything, Connie. 🙂
Now that I have built the momentum of the 30 Day Blog Challenge, I find that I’m already planning out what I’ll be blogging about in June.
Thanks again Connie – you must be so proud of how involved everyone got and what fantastic content they created.
You are amazing and appreciated!
I’m so grateful to you for the 30-day blogging challenge. While I didn’t complete it (made it to post 15) because my blog is new and I’m still figuring out the logistics and how I want to proceed and develop the business, this blogging challenge got me started. I don’t know that I would have done even that much without it! I found some great new blogs to follow and I’m grateful for the connections!
I will be participating in the next 30-day blog challenge and this time I will complete it!
Thank you so much for helping me to take the leap!