Web sales copy is the name given to copywriting for the internet. Unlike print copy, sales letters written online are read by scrolling down to continue reading. This makes the writing styles very different from one another.
I teach copywriting for the internet in my Inner Circle Mastermind program. We go into detail on all 21 of the elements of a sales letter. Later on I’m going to give you the link to a free copywriting checklist to see if you are using all of these elements, but first I want to share some more information with you.
When you are writing your web sales copy, you are attempting to get inside of the mind of your prospect, answering their questions and guiding them through the sales letter until they decide to buy. This can be both frustrating and fun, depending on how well you have written your copy.
The teaser is probably my favorite part of a sales letter. This is where you say that you’re going to tell the reader about something later on, but first you want to tell them something else. Because of a psychological factor known as the Zeigarnik Effect, the human mind in unable to stop reading until it feels that there has been a completion of the idea first presented. It’s the same thing that makes us watch the news when they break in to the show we’re watching and give us just a few details. Using this technique in your web sales copy will increase your sales.
Copywriters are some of the highest paid people on the internet. if you are willing to spend the time to get training in this area, you will be able to write more effective sales letters and make more sales of your products and services. You may also be interested in writing sales letters for others as you become more skilled and experienced.
Now for the checklist that I promised you earlier in this post. Thanks for being patient. Download the copywriting checklist here, and let me know if it is helpful to you.
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