Yes, that’s right. Create a product and have it ready to sell or give away in the next 24 hours. It can be done. You can do an audio recording and make the mp3 available, or you can combine two or three articles, write an introduction and conclusion, and offer it as a special report to your target audience. It does not have to be a complete eBook or series of audios. Keep it short and simple in the beginning, just to get used to the process of product creation.
The most important thing here is to just take action. Strive for excellence, not perfection. People want the information you have to share, so get going and create a product now. Once you create a product and offer it to others, you will see how easy it is. This will lead to your next product and you will be on your way.
Make a plan. Decide today if you will write or record your product. Then decide if you will give it away or sell it to your audience. Set a goal and then make it happen. Please email me if you need to bounce your ideas off someone else or have any questions whatsoever. I am here to assist you in becoming successful in an online business.
I am a Spanish Mongrel. I have written a small book for children about my early life and times. It is called “Little Lord Scruff” the life and times of a Spanish Mongrel Book one. I am starting on Book two.
Can you tell me how I can sell my book on the Internet.