Repurposing your content allow you to take advantage of reaching many times the number of people you have have in the past. I usually begin by writing a blog post, such as this one, and then turning it into an article. The article is then submitted to the article directories. At this point my blog post is syndicated to Facebook (let’s be friends), and then I’m off to Twitter (follow me) for even wider distribution.
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I continue to repurpose by hosting a teleseminar on the exact same information, only now I can answer questions from the people on the call because I am using the best teleseminar service available. I also include this same content on my internet radio show (listen to a segment and favorite me, please), and again I reach an even wider audience of interested listeners. This is all done in the shortest amount of time possible.
Repurposing allows me to use the same content in many different ways to meet the different needs and learning styles of the people who are interested in my topic. Some people want to read it online, others want to print it out, and still others prefer to listen to my content. Also, I can finally repurpose my content into an eBook that will reach a completely different group of people. How can you repurpose what you are writing about? Video is another way that I have not even discussed here.
Online entrepreneurship is a way to replace or supplement your income and work from wherever you are in world with an internet connection. I’m a former classroom teacher and real estate broker and residential appraiser who left it all behind to come online in 2006. Now I’m the author of more than twenty bestselling books, an international speaker on the topics of entrepreneurship and authorship, and an online marketing strategist for solopreneurs and corporations around the world. You can do the same thing if this is your goal.
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Connie Ragen Green is an online marketing strategist and bestselling author working with people on six continents to build a lucrative business on the internet. Get started right away at Online Entrepreneur Blueprint and you’ll be on your way to entrepreneurship.
Great ideas! Thanks for sharing these practical ways to get your message out.