You may already know that I came online in 2005 and didn’t make any money for a full year. I read everything I could find, listened to audio recordings, and started several blogs. But I just couldn’t figure out how to make any money.
When I look back at that time now, it is easy for me to see what I was doing wrong. I had not chosen a niche, didn’t have a product to promote, and had no free giveaway. That’s just the beginning of what I did not have in place. Once I began to put the pieces together, I began to make money.
What’s holding you back? Do you have a niche you are willing to stick with until you start making some money? What about a way to build a list of subscribers and a product to sell? Take a look at what successful marketers are doing online. You can model what they are doing to see how it is done.
When I created the outline for the upcoming DocomJumpstart course, I was thinking about that first year when I was new to online marketing. I wanted to teach people how to have a step by step model to start making money. I shared the outline with Dr. Jeanette Cates and she agreed to co-teach it with me. She also remembers what it is like to be a ‘newbie’, even though it has been much longer since she was one herself. She has now taught thousands of people how to make income online, while I have taught only about two hundred.
This course means a lot to me because it will enable so many people to start their internet business and see what it’s like to start making money online. Sometimes making just a few hundred dollars a month can change your life. It can also be the start of building an online empire and making as much as you want to on the internet.
Newbie to online business. that is where I am. Tired of the online scam google stuff! Haven’t got a product either? Help!!!