Blogging on your niche topic is the way to build visibility online. You may have great intentions when you first set up your blog, but after a few months it may be more difficult to come up with fresh new ideas on what to blog about. Here are some ideas to keep your blog in top … [Read more...]
How To Ping Your Blog – Technology Tip
If you have been used to pinging your blog posts on a regular basis, you will be glad to hear that both Pingoat and Pingomatic are back after taking a summer hiatus. No one is sure why these sites were both down, but now you can again ping and post to your heart's … [Read more...]
All Ya Gotta Do Is…Write Naturally
If you are old enough to remember the Beatles version of the Johnny Russell song "Act Naturally", or even older, and remember when Buck Owens first released it back in 1963, two years before the Beatles recorded it, you remember that the lyrics tell us to just act naturally in … [Read more...]
Online Success – How To Build Your Business On The Internet
After working online for two years now, I have been able to come to some conclusions about how you can get started more quickly. Making money on the internet requires a plan of action and follow through. After being involved with internet marketing during a time of great change, … [Read more...]
Create A Product – Today!
Yes, that's right. Create a product and have it ready to sell or give away in the next 24 hours. It can be done. You can do an audio recording and make the mp3 available, or you can combine two or three articles, write an introduction and conclusion, and offer it as a special … [Read more...]